Jihad Jane and Jihad Jamie

This homegrown terrorism thread keeps getting weirder.

Add “Jihad Jamie” to the list of loser-blonde-bimbo jihadi-wannabes. Jamie Paulin-Ramirez has been charged, along with 7 others, in Sweden in the continuing-to-unravel Islamic murder plot to kill a Danish cartoonist.

Jamie’s family was telling the New York Daily News to take pity on her, because she is a “follower” who doesn’t know any better. The 31-year-old met her 4th husband, (who just happens to be an Algerian Muslim terrorist) online, married him quickly, began wearing headveils, went to Sweden to assist in the murder of the Lars Vilks (Danish cartoonist who was given an Islamic “death order” after drawing a cartoon with Mohammed’s head on the body of a dog).  Jamie’s mother says  her daughter brainwashed her 6-year-old son to think that all Christians need to be killed. Other than that, mom says, she’s just suffering from low self-esteem. What?

Oh, and there was that $100,000 bonus to anyone who slaughtered Vilks “like a lamb.”

Sure. Jamie and Jihad Jane sound like the typical suburban chick-lets you meet at Starbucks from Match.com ???

Inexplicably, authorities have let Jamie go for now???? What’s up with that?

Lars Vilks, cartoonist

The offending cartoon that inspires the murder plot

A pathetic, lonely dysfunctional woman who got herself busted as ”Jihad Jane” for soliciting Islamic murder for hire online is busted and making headlines as a dangerous, isolated wannabe.

It turns Jawa Report blog knows who has been tracking this odd Jane for a few years and turned her in.

Fascinating read.

CNN has a report from Jihad Jane’s neighborhood.

Jihad Jane or Fatima LaRose


Jihad Jane's "Myspace" photo

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