"Hating Breitbart" - A Powerflul Movie that Explains Why We Lost in 2012

Hating Breitbart - The Movie

Hating Breitbart is a great movie about a great American patriot. Unfortunately it was released too late to help us understand what we were really up against in 2012. Governor Mitt Romney was not running against Barack Obama alone. He was also running against a liberal media that was determined from the beginning to re-elect the President they had installed in office in the 2008 election.

Hating Breitbart illustrates not just the bias of the liberal media, but the outright activism of the media. A point in case is the mythical Republican War on Women created by George Stephanopoulos during one of the Republican Primary Presidential Debates. Contraception was not and should not have been an issue in the 2012 campaign. But, Stephanopoulos created this myth that Republicans wanted to ban birth control and the rest of the media ran with it. This was not some kind of political fluke. It was, rather, a strategy implemented by the media to create and control the tone and content of the issues to be discussed in the election.

Abortion, likewise, should not have been a center issue for Republicans during this election. Granted, it is an issue of importance to people, and it should be a foundation of our platform and position, but this election should have been about jobs and national security. The media was not about to let that happen because those are losing issues for Obama. We followed their lead and let this be a promoted issue. The result - two stupid sentences from two Senate candidates - two lost Senate seats and a severely tarnished Republican brand.

There is no Republican War on Women. It is a myth created to drive a wedge between women and Republicans. If you want to understand where women are on politics, look at my interview with Debbie Georgatos and read her book, "Ladies, Can We Talk?"

Debbie Georgatos and Bob Price

Andrew Breitbart understood the media and its approach and tactics. After all, he had been one of them. But he saw the harm that was being done to our country and decided to do something about it. Breitbart went to war with the mainstream media and the Democrat propoganda machine.

When you watch the movie, Hating Breitbart, you will learn to look at the media in a different light. You will see how they are not only willing, but eager accomplices with the Democrats. Hating Breitbart illustrates this by showing how Breitbart dealt with Democrats and the media about the alleged issue of Tea Party member verbally assaulting black Members of Congress with racial slurs. It didnt happen. There is no proof that it happened. But these Congressmen said it did, so the media ran with it. Evidence? We dont need no stinking evidence!

Kira DavisAll Republicans should see this movie. We need to learn and understand Democrat and liberal media strategies. We should learn their tools and use them against them. Radio talk show host Kira Davis has learned this and is using it very effectively to reach out to minority voters across the country.

In many ways, TexasGOPVote founder and publisher, John Stautner, shows much of the same warrior mentality as Andrew Breitbart. He is studying these tactics and teaching them to a small but growing army of bloggers and writers like me who will not sit back and allow the media to run unchecked.

Hating Breitbart - Times and Tickets

Hating Breitbart is a must see movie. It is showing this weekend in The Woodlands, Texas. To find show times at a theater near you, visit http://hatingbreitbart.com/theaters. Go see this movie and then join the army fighting the war against the liberal media.



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