40 Years Later: A New View On Abortion

Forty years after the Supreme Court ruled on Roe vs. Wade, activists on both sides of the debate are still fighting for their cause. For those who are staunchly pro-life, activism includes participating in marches, debate training, and educating others about what it means to be pro-life. On college campuses pro-life groups such as the University of North Texas College Republicans host guest speakers like Dianne Edmondson, the RNC for Life Executive Director. As much as groups like the College Republicans across Texas try to educate about abortion, a poll conducted by Pew Research Institute found that among people under the age of 30, only 44 percent know that Roe vs. Wade dealt with abortion. Even worse, even fewer people are aware of the fact that in Texas alone, over a third of all abortions are ending the lives of Hispanics. When faced with these unfortunate statistics, the question is asked, why do we as minorities celebrate our rich, ethnic heritage with holidays, festivals, and parades yet allow our innocent unborn children to be murdered? With abortion claiming the lives of our fellow Americans, who will be left to continue the traditions we proudly consider to be part of our state and country’s history?

The sad fact is that the majority of women who are in emotional and financial distress when first considering abortion are in fact black and Hispanic. Pro-abortion activists use so-called counseling sessions to convince these vulnerable women that ending an innocent life is going to be the best option for the mother. They never once consider the fact that the responsibility of parenthood could be the catalyst that these young parents need to continue their education, find gainful employment, and contribute to society.

Pro-abortion activists will never inform a woman that adoption is an option as well. They will convince the mother that it will be difficult to find an adoptive family for a black or Hispanic baby when in fact the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' Administration for Children and Families reported that in 2004, Latino families adopted nearly 5,300 children from foster care, a jump of almost 20 percent from 1999, and that number increases every year. In addition, a 2002 nationwide poll sponsored by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption showed that Latinos are more likely to seriously consider adopting than non-Hispanic white and African American families. If given the choice, would a woman want to mourn the loss of a child for a lifetime or be proud that they gave the gift of life to a family who wanted a child?

Are there many single mothers on welfare? Do minorities use government programs more than non-minorities? The short answer is yes. But because of these unfortunate statistics, minority women are being told that their offspring will have no chance of being successful because of the color of their skin. Ironically, this argument will be made from the same people who accuse conservatives of racism, yet their justification for the mass genocide of unborn babies is based on the mother’s ethnicity.

Whether you march in a pro-life parade, educate a group of young activists, or inform minorities of the harrowing statistics, it’s time that the pro-life movement makes a more concerted effort to educate young people that Roe vs. Wade did not settle an argument on the best way to travel across a creek.



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