Dianne Feinstein's Palm-o-Prompter

In another display of double standards, liberals criticize Sarah Palin for writing a few notes on her hand for a speech, yet Diane Feinstein did the same thing for a debate in 1990. Worse though is the fact that Feinsteins use of "palm-o-prompter" crib notes were forbidden under the ground rules of the gubernatorial debate between Feinstein and Pete Wilson. On the other hand (so to speak), Palin was giving a speech at a private event that had no such rules. But that didnt stop liberals from grasping at this as another reason to attack Palin!

Feinstein [scrawled] the three words "growth," "education," and "choice" on her delicate, little hand in noticeably glaring, blue marker to remind her of the policy themes she desired to use against Wilson in that debate. According to the Santa Barbara Independent, Feinsteins reason for this moment of now-regrettable indiscretion was due to nervousness as it was a statewide, televised event.


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