Texas Transportation: Still Much Work To Do

Living in Texas metropolitan areas, given as our economy has slowed, we all understand that the roads are deteriorating, the congestion is getting worse almost to the point of L.A. style traffic in Houston, Austin, and Dallas!

Last session, the Legislature let the voters vote for, and they did, pass a constitutional amendment which diverted certain taxes for roads. It was clear, that at $100 a barrel for oil, we would generate millions for roads and infrastructure.

The proposition dedicated a portion of the general sales tax and motor vehicle sales tax to the general highway fund. A slowing economy impacted this reducing the amount available to transfer. It's still helpful, but leaves holes in funding of the short and long term road building needs.

So we are still faced with choices (1) do nothing; (2) more toll roads, which cost users considerably more per mile than no fee roads; (3) index the gas tax to inflation and/or set the gas tax rate to be inverse to oil prices so as prices at the pump decline, the state highway fund gets additional revenue; or (4) other innovative ideas.

It's clear the status quo is not sustainable.


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