King of the Mountain - A Shared Objective

As a kid, I found a common game to play (especially for boys) was ‘King of the mountain’.  The idea was that everyone would gather around a mound of dirt and one or two kids would get on top.  The objective of the game was to knock off those on top and be the remaining person standing when the game was over.  This often suggested a lot of dirty cloths and more than a few bruises.

Today our country is involved in ‘the game’ — like it or not.  Today we have a capitalist society guided by a representative republic.  Two forces (at least) are threatening our country’s governance.  Those forces both have the same objective — to defeat America and take control of the country — they are: communism and Islamism.

The communists have been actively working on the ‘transformation’ of our country into a communist state for 100 years — with a great deal of success.  We are, at this point at least, a socialist state considering the millions of people receiving government handouts.  The next step is civil chaos and revolution.  The end state is the loss of our natural rights and property.  The very few wish to rule and to distribute what they want to the majority who are powerless (assuming the 2nd Amendment is gone).  We’re getting closer to that end state every day.  Weekly we hear about efforts to water down our constitution or eliminate amendments all together.

But if that weren’t enough, the Islamists have the same objective — to convert America into a Sharia state ruled by Sharia/Islamic law.  Although the lesser of the two evils, they are still a scary proposition.

So now the question is what can you do?  For one, educate yourself on both subjects, determine what you believe, and then spread that word.  Without action on the part of many Americans, we will be doomed to defeat — one way or the other.  Far too many Americans are asleep safely within their ‘bubbles’ thinking things won’t change — a huge mistake!  Things have been changing and will continue to change unless we each take action to prevent a horrible future for America.

Remember, the first step of resolving a problem is to become aware of the problem.  Then one needs to accept its reality and take action to prevent it.  And that means you…


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