Class and Race

Three out of every five babies aborted in America are either Black or Hispanic. Just let that sink in for a moment. Three out of every five babies aborted in America are either Black or Hispanic. Half a century after the Civil Rights movement ascent, race still plays a role in American politics, and identity politics has become the hallmark of one political party and now it is becoming the hallmark of another movement that seeks to take over the other political party.

In New York City, more black babies are aborted than born. Let that sink in for a moment. In past interviews, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dispenses with the notion of abortion being merely a matter of a woman choice and gets to the heart of the left population control. Justice Ginsburg noted that abortion allows us to control population growth “particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to many of.” This message was confirmed by Ron Weddington, a co-council of Roe v Wade, when he added, “You can start immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of our country,” by making nationally available abortifacients. You don’t have to be a genius to understand the underlying view that Ginsburg is making; abortion is part of an effort to keep the underclass from being born, including minorities who make up a substantial portion of the underclass. If a conservative would have stated what Justice Ginsburg had, that conservative would be hauled up in front of politically correct tribunal for being racist.

The left has depended upon identity politics to ensure voter turnout and separate different groups as part of building a winning coalition. Race, gender and class are combined into an effective political force to garner the 50 plus one. The purpose of America’s PAC strategy is to break the left’s stranglehold over minorities. While it may seem contradicting for conservative groups who reject group identity politics to appeal to minority voters on minority media, our long term goal is to not just peel off enough votes to win elections but to add significant numbers of minorities to the conservative coalition while emphasizing individual rights over group identity. The short term agenda is to peel off those votes who can provide the difference in winning close elections and appeal to the universal creed, but this approach is being challenged by many on the right who are rejecting the need for expand and create a new conservative majority but to work on increasing white voter turnout at the expense of minority outreach!

There have been those on the conservative side who has expressed a strategy of driving up White voters as means of winning election as opposed to continuing any outreach. (I will point out that America’s PAC outreach has proven successful with limited funding in adding minority voters to the Republican side by not compromising on conservative principles.)

The vast majority of Trump supporters have legitimate complaints, and they are not racist or fascist. Many within the national populist movement have moved toward a race identity platform and there are white supremacists who take advantage of the rise of national populism to put forward their own ideas and worse, there are those within the conservative movement that have given them legitimacy.

Breitbart featured an article by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos about the Alt-Right movement challenging conservatism which stated, “There are many things that separate the alternative right from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared), but one thing stands out above all else: intelligence. Skinheads, by and large, are low-information, low-IQ thugs driven by the thrill of violence and tribal hatred. The alternative right are a much smarter group of people — which perhaps suggests why the Left hates them so much. They’re dangerously bright… While they can certainly be accused of being overly-eager to bridge the gap between fact and value (the truth of tribal psychology doesn’t necessarily mean we should embrace or encourage it), these were the first shoots of a new conservative ideology — one that many were waiting for.”

Let’s understand exactly what this new “conservative ideology” entails. Author James Kirchick attended a National Policy Institute run by Richard Spencer, a promoter of the Alt-right agenda, and observed, “For all their complaints about “cultural Marxists” and their self-satisfied glee in traducing the prudish dictates of “political correctness,” identitarians neatly mimic the language of their censorious adversaries on the left. Crude expressions of bigotry are generally frowned upon; today’s white supremacists sound much like the campus social-justice warriors they claim to despise, the major difference being their disagreement as to which racial group is most deserving of top-victim status.” Identity politics has replaced past racial slangs but the reality is that they are talking White victimhood to hide White Supremacist ideology.

Of many Alt-Right views of the Constitution, including Bill Regnery, a co-founder of the National Policy Institute, Kirchick wrote, “A mildly enthusiastic Trump voter, he (Bill Regnery) bemoaned the conservative movement for having ‘too much involvement with the mechanics of the old America, the Constitution, bromides...Asked to elaborate, Regnery replied that ‘the Brits have done pretty well without a constitution and maybe this country would do well without a Constitution.’ I was rather surprised by this open disrespect for America’s founding document, especially from someone to the right of Genghis Khan. But it turns out that the Constitution is largely unloved, if not outright disdained, among identitarians, who despise it primarily for extolling the virtues of egalitarianism. Writing on the website of Spencer’s Radix journal, a contributor denigrates the Constitution as a “primitive article of antiquity” that “will not solve the problems we face in the 21st century.” Proposing that “cuckservatives” who speak reverently of the Constitution be denigrated as “paper worshippers,” “vellum supremacists,” and “parchment fetishists,” he argues that the object of their admiration “has ceased to be a vehicle for progress and has instead devolved into a major obstacle to our future.”

Not only are many Alt-Right adopting much of the progressive disdain for the constitution but they also share the progressive disdain of free market economics and support more government interventionists to obtain their goals. About the need to change capitalism, one Alt-Right wrote, “The idea behind National Capitalism is to retain the traditional qualities of Capitalism (concentration of the factors of production in the private sector) but without the obsession with deregulation. The goal of national capitalism is to instill in young entrepreneurs a strong and healthy dose of nationalism so that they create businesses that benefit their nations as well as themselves…The working definition of Capitalism has become imperceptibly warped over the decades to refer to a system that prioritizes self-interest at the expense of everything else; nation included. The East Asians don’t subscribe to this definition of Capitalism and that is why they are beating us.”

Remember the Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s quote on abortion? This came from Alymer Fisher from Radix Journal:

“If there were to be a pro-life position that we could accept, it would be based on arguments about what is good for the community. While the case would have to be made that abortion is what is decimating the White population and decreasing its quality. True that a blanket ban on abortion would probably increase the White population in their numbers, it would, no doubt, decrease the overall quality, as well and leave all races stupider, more criminally prone, and more diseased.”

Both Fisher and Ginsburg adopt a similar position on abortion as a needed mechanism to control selected population from being born. “Immigration Reform Groups,” such as Federation for American Immigration Reform and Numbers USA, recently supported the leftist global warming agenda. FAIR spokesman Ira Mehlman observed that “If we’re going to meet our environmental goals, we’re going to have to get some kind of hold on population growth here in the U.S.” For FAIR, immigration is just another way to control population while accepting the leftist view on environmental issues, including support for the theory of humans causing climate change and restricting fossil fuel development.

Fascism, if it comes to the United States, will come from the left and not the right and it will come in the form of bureaucrats in Brooks Brother’s suits. Jonathan Turley, a constitutional legal scholar, summed up this threat to liberty, “There has been a dramatic shift of authority toward presidential powers and the emergence of what is essentially a fourth branch of government — a vast network of federal agencies with expanded legislative and judicial power. While the federal bureaucracy is a hallmark of the modern administrative state, it presents a fundamental change to a system of three coequal branches designed to check and balance each other. The growing authority invested in federal agencies comes from a diminished Congress, which seems to have a dramatically reduced ability to actively monitor, let alone influence, agency actions.” While many accuse Trump of being a fascist, as Kevin Williamson and others have pointed out, Sanders is far closer to promoting a nationalist socialist vision than Trump.

Many within the national populism movement share the Democratic socialism disdain of free market economics, limited government and constitutional rule, and they judge the world through a racial lens where the government’s main responsibility is to provide for those who support their cause. As this election proceeds, we are seeing that the Democratic socialism of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump’s national populism are starting to harmonize their worldview. Bernie Sanders’ Democratic socialism is successfully hijacking the Democratic party as much of the Democratic party leadership and politicians are comfortable with Sanders’ worldview, but there are still many within the Republican party refusing to have Donald Trump hijack their party. Many conservatives are now realizing that the goal of the national populists is to align with the Democratic socialists and push the conservatives to the sideline.


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