Hillary Lies to Congress, But Let's Make Her President

Hillary Clinton is lucky for she doesn’t have to worry about an inquisitive media looking closely into her record as Secretary of State or her performance in the recent Congressional hearing. If so, they would have reported her parsing of the truth and her bobbing and weaving from one question to the next. If anything, the media would report that Hillary Clinton misrepresented her role in the tragedy at Benghazi or that she is incompetent. Either way, she is not Presidential material.

The media has shown no interest in Benghazi, despite the fact that four Americans were murdered and there was even the possibility that those Americans could have been saved, if timely action had been provided. Instead, the media allowed a fake story that an internet movie was responsible for weeks, a story that Hillary contributed to. She even had the audacity to state this view at the funeral of her fallen Ambassador when she must have known the truth. No one in the media has shown concern that the individual responsible for the movie is now in jail. (The official story is that he violated conditions of his parole, but anyone with common sense knows if this individual had made a movie about the evil of Mormonism, nothing would have happened. Most likely, he would have been rewarded with a Broadway play.)

Clinton's Middle East policy is becoming a disaster that is apparent to all with the exception of the New York Times and much of the establishment media. The French are dealing with the fallout of Ms. Clinton's policies in Mali, and Syria has become a battle between Iranian ally, Syria and jihadists, while this administration has done nothing to at least assure that some of the opposition to Syria be made of more moderate folks. Leading from behind is leaving a mess to the incoming Secretary of State, John Kerry, and let's face it, Kerry has been nothing more than a mediocre Senator. There is no evidence that he will be any better at this than Clinton. The only problem is that Kerry will be cleaning up Hillary's mess while Hillary will find a way to extricate herself from this mess as she runs for the Presidency.

As for the hearings, Hillary took responsibility for the mess in Libya while explaining to everyone who was listening that other screw-ups really led to this. Then there were the fake tears and the classic response to Senator Bob Johnson, in which she stated, “What difference does it make,” when she admitted that the truth of why Benghazi happened didn’t really matter. That response alone should disqualify her from any further public service, but it won’t.

If the hearings show anything, it shows that our ruling class cares little for the truth or for those who served underneath them. There will be no search for truth, and the media won’t insist on it. We are seeing arms being removed from Libya and ending up in the hands of our enemies, and the war on terror that we were told was won during the election, is not.

Hillary, like her boss, either lied about Benghazi or simply was not aware of what was happening underneath her. Either way, being a liar or simply incompetent is not a reason to reward Hillary with a ticket to the White House. Here is the real summary of Benghazi, Hillary and Obama lied, four Americans died.



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