Texas Spirit Remains Alive Despite Storms

"I know the people of Texas will continue to help their neighbors across the state during their time of need and ensure that each affected community will make the fullest and fastest recovery possible."

Many Texans have experienced great loss. Some have lost their homes as the rivers came down without any warning and washed their houses from their foundations. But, of course, losing your home does not compare to the heartbreak of losing a loved one.

But as usual, despite the direst of circumstances, the Texas spirit remains alive, and we've seen many volunteers continuing to dedicate their time and efforts and to lend a helping hand.

Communities across the state are organizing donation drives to help those who have lost all their material possessions, and many individuals have selflessly risked their own lives to help rescue strangers from the floodwaters and the rubble. To these volunteers and the many first responders who are working tirelessly, we all thank you from the bottom of our heart. During these hard times, you have not only provided relief, but you've also provided perhaps something more important, and that's hope.

As we start to recover, we're reminded that we need to remain vigilant.

I promised [Texas Div. of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd] and others that I spoke to that I would continue to work with Governor Abbott and our state's Congressional Delegation to make sure that the federal government provides all the help Texans deserve during this difficult time. So to those suffering today, I want to offer my deepest condolences and prayers. We'll continue to do everything we can here in Washington, and in Austin, and in local communities who have been severely affected to give Texans the help that they need.

And I know the people of Texas will continue to help their neighbors across the state during their time of need and ensure that each affected community will make the fullest and fastest recovery possible.


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