Holding the EPA Accountable

With the goals of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and good representation of TX19, I’ve supported the Secret Science Reform Act of 2014 for the past nine months as a cosponsor. I voted for its passage through the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee in June, and now the entire House of Representatives will get a chance to vote for it when it comes to the floor this week.

It’s a common-sense bill. It requires the EPA to share the data it uses to legitimize regulations. It holds the EPA accountable – making sure they have to use fair and accurate science before they burden the American people with unnecessary hoops to jump through. It will stop the current inefficient and unfair practices of the EPA: they’ll no longer be able to use secret data to justify billions of dollars in runaway regulations that harm economic growth and opportunity here in America. I’m excited to support this bill again this week. I hope it can quickly pass the House and Senate and move to the President’s desk.



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