Keep The Federal Food Police Out Of School Bake Sales

Today I introduced H.R. 881, the BAKE SALE Act. This legislation would prohibit any funds from being used to implement USDA’s new regulations on school fundraisers and bake sales during school hours.

Current nutrition standards for school breakfast and lunch programs were established under the Obama Administration in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, regulating all food sold in public schools.

However, under this Administration the USDA adopted a rule that goes even further, extending the government’s reach to regulate any food sold at school during the school day.

The federal food police need to stay out of our schools. First, the regulators came into our lunchrooms, then vending machines and now school fundraisers. For years, students and parents have used the bake sale as a way to raise funds for school trips, athletic competitions, new uniforms and other activities. Teachers in my district have come to me concerned that this new rule will prevent their students from holding various after school activities. Washington bureaucrats have no business telling any American (no matter what age) what they can and cannot eat.

Not only is this rule an example of gross government overreach, it is also denying public schools funds for extra-curricular activities. Congress should not fund any efforts to implement this abuse of government power.


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