Red Tape Cutter Success Story

This summer, a Vietnam Veteran who posted on Facebook about the problems he was having with the VA contacted my office for help. After a loss of mobility, this veteran’s doctor ordered a wheelchair for him, but he had not received it after a long wait. Vanessa Hicks-Callaway, a Red Tape Cutter and retired US Army Colonel, who works in my Victoria office, opened a case for him and started working through the VA’s extremely backlogged system. I’m happy to announce that Vanessa's dogged determination and persistence payed off and we were successful getting him his wheelchair. It is disgraceful that the VA couldn’t handle this promptly without Congressional intervention, but I’m glad my office was able to help. If you or someone you know is having trouble with the VA, or any federal agency, please contact my office at or (361) 884-2222.


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