Serving You in 2014

One of the greatest honors I have as your Congressman is assisting those having a problem with a federal agency. Over the years, my office has helped thousands cut through government red tape to resolve problems. We can help with veterans’ benefits, social security and Medicare issues, and many more. Please be sure to contact my Abilene, Big Spring or Lubbock district offices if you have any questions or need assistance.

If you are planning on taking a trip to Washington, DC in 2015, my office can help arrange tours and provide tickets to some of our nation's greatest attractions. Tickets can be limited, so please call us as far in advance as possible with your requests. You can also purchase a flag or have it flown over the U.S. Capitol. Flags may be flown for a particular person, event, or organization, and may be flown on a specific date of your choosing. A certificate of recognition is included with each flag.

Dana and I wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year!


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