Smith Supports Israel by Rejecting UN Resolution

Today I voted in support of H. Res. 11, which rejects the recent anti-Israel United Nations resolution. The House adopted the opposition measure by a vote of 342 to 80. The UN resolution condemned some Israeli settlements and called for immediate halt to further development. The Obama administration had the opportunity to veto the dangerous and counterproductive resolution in December but did not.

It is regrettable that the Obama Administration abstained from vetoing the anti-Israel United Nations Security Council Resolution last month. This inaction significantly undermines the peace process. It fails to hold the Palestinian Authority accountable while simultaneously condemning Israel.

I am happy to support this effort and am encouraged that the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 11. We must reaffirm our steadfast support of Israel, one of our oldest and strongest allies. And continue to support direct, bilateral peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.


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