Texas Education Agency Announces Takeover of Beaumont ISD

Texas Education Agency (TEA) Commissioner Michael Williams notified Beaumont ISD's school board president and superintendent Monday that a conservator will be appointed immediately to take over the school district. 

"This is a critical time for the district and its students, as well as for the community as a whole," Commissioner Williams said in a letter"The magnitude of the findings, the serious nature of the ongoing and systemic operating deficiencies facing the district, and the importance of preventing further harm to the welfare of the Beaumont ISD's students and to the public interest compel me to appoint a board of managers at this time.

TexasGOPVote blogger David Bellow has been covering the BISD corruption from the start and posed the question of whether TEA would take over BISD in November in an article, Beaumont ISD Raided by FBI – Admins Stole Millions – Texas to Take Over School District? He writes: 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has raided the Beaumont Independent School District and homes of two top school officials. The FBI is assisting the US Attorney’s Office to investigate allegations that school officials created bogus accounts to steal money from the school and from the taxpayers. There is no official figure, but rumors are that the total stolen could be in the millions of dollars.

Gordy Bunch, candidate for Senate District 4, which Beaumont is a part of, released the following statement regarding the takeover of BISD:

“I applaud Texas Education Commissioner Michael Williams’ decision to place a conservator in charge of the Beaumont Independent School District (BISD). After many frustrating years of delays, this provides the opportunity for BISD to make significant and much needed reforms that will strengthen the schools and focus policies and tax dollars in a manner that best serves students and families. In March, I called for the removal of the BISD administration and I am glad to see such a necessary action is being taken.”

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