Ron Paul

Ron Paul ran for the White House in 2008 and 2012, and now his son has brought focus on the Libertarian movement within the Republican Party.
I talked to Ron Paul on my show today and asked him some of the questions you guys raised when I solicited them on my Facebook page. Have a listen!And remember, I can promise you a commute-sized portion of liberty education...
The following was sent in from Jerry Patterson:Today, I am pleased to announce that I have been endorsed by Dr. Ron Paul, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, past candidate for U.S. President, and one of...
What happens if a government becomes paranoid of the very people it supposedly serves? Within the first year of the Obama dministration, a report came out dealing with “right-wing militia” and essentially reported that much...
Congressman Ron Pauls final speech on the House floor before leaving Congress:
Liberty depends on each of us keeping our word, following the rule of law, and honoring contracts. When men and women will not honor their promises or keep their word, the law must enforce contracts. At least nominally, this...
Rand Paul is the future of the libertarian Republican movement as he starts to take the baton of their liberty agenda from his father. As the Ron Paul campaign eventually winds itself down, Rand Paul begins the process of...
Update: Petition now has over 5000 signatures!Last weekend at my County Convention in Hardin County, TX, I was pleasantly surprised when a young woman from my county, Chelsea Willis, approached me...
For those of you wondering what Ron Paul has been up to.
AUSTIN (Republican Party of Texas) - Late last week, State GOP Chairman Steve Munisteri issued an invitation to all four Republican Presidential candidates to come to Texas for a nationally-televised debate in May.
The following story originally appeared on The Quorum Report.BRENHAM – The mad dash to succeed Comptroller-Elect Glenn Hegar in the Texas Senate has turned quite negative in the final days leading up to this Saturday’s...
On my podcast the other day I took a few minutes to discuss the New York Times, the recent hit piece on Ron/Rand and the Mises Institute, and how to handle a New York Times reporter if you choose to let one...
Having finished reading the “Growth and Opportunity Project” report from a blue ribbon panel appointed by Chairman Reince Priebus, it reported seven different areas for improvement in the next campaign cycle. Each area...
Rand Paul has shown himself over the past year to be a serious politician who understands the political landscape and is now attempting to do what his dad could never do and other libertarians failed to do consistently:...
In reviewing information coming out of the RNC Convention last week and other primary election related information, I came across an article by an author from Arlington, Texas entitled, "If You are Going to Kill The King".  ...
Sometimes a few crazy people can make an entire group look bad. Maybe that is what has happened with Ron Paul supporters. We see some crazy Ron Paul people on the news and we paint the entire group as being crazy. It is like...
Listen to my interview below with Carol Paul, Ron Pauls wife of 55 years, on the Peter Schiff Show.
Rick Santorum is set to announce in Pennsylvania this afternoon that he is suspending his bid for GOP Presidential nominee. His decision comes after a slew of primary losses made it harder for him to catch Romney in the...
If you are looking for the article about the Texas GOP having an Emergency Meeting to go to "Winner Take All" click on this link:
As I begin this, I’m hoping to finish while it is still small enough to digest. So I’ll wait for now on details (maybe in the comments?), and say that there is truth in almost everything Ron Paul says. Of course we spend...



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