Pete Sessions on President’s FY2012 Budget

Today, I released the following statement regarding President Obama’s fiscal year 2012 budget proposal:

President Obama’s new-found commitment to fiscal responsibility claimed in his latest State of the Union address rings hollow after today’s release of his $3.73 trillion budget blueprint filled with more taxing, borrowing and spending.

The American people are looking to Washington for real relief and solutions, not another unsustainable budget that will increase our national debt and ignore our nation’s long-term fiscal challenges. Instead of following through on his promises, the President uses new rhetoric to mask his continued trend of out-of-control spending when our nation can least afford it. Our nation simply cannot afford the proposed spending increases and our primary focus should center on making cuts to Washington’s bloated budget.

President Obama’s budget proves his disconnect with reality by proposing more spending while also projecting that our deficit will surge to an all-time high of $1.65 trillion this year. It’s past time for President Obama to join my Republican colleagues and I in supporting real solutions to cut spending, keep taxes low to spur job growth and control our nation’s debt. The American people have rejected his reckless spending and will demand respect of their hard-earned tax dollars with fiscally responsible policies.


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