Statement On One-Year Anniversary of the Stimulus

Today, I issued the following statement marking the one-year anniversary of the President’s stimulus package:

The Obama Administration promised the American people that their $1.1 trillion stimulus bill would keep unemployment below 8%, create millions of jobs and jump start the economy. One year and hundreds of billions of dollars later unemployment is near double digits, nearly four million Americans have lost their jobs, and just 6% of Americans believe that the stimulus has actually created jobs. Regardless of these facts the Administration still claims that the program has been a success and the American people just don’t "realize it." This disconnect – along with policies that spend too much, tax too much and borrow too much – explains the credibility problem the Obama Administration has with the American people.


The Obama administration didn't promise anything. They only went by what at the time was forecasted. To say now that they promised something nobody in the right mind could promise is ridiculous.

What Americans believe is more a function of where they get news from than a function of facts. Case in point, 15% know they got a tax cut last year according to a poll released last Friday.

The real credibility problem is with Republicans who voted no on the stimulus and worked really hard to claim some of that same stimulus money they attacked as inneffective and wasteful. A real conservative or Republican would not do such. I see through your lies and eventually so will the rest of the conservatives.

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