Government Overreach

Like most Americans, I store a lot on my computer and on my phone: family photographs, personal calendars, emails, schedules, and even weekend to-do lists, or, as my wife calls them, honey-do lists.
Our government was designed to be one of laws, not of men, and this transparent distortion is disgraceful. These justices are not behaving as umpires calling balls and strikes. They have joined a team, and it is a team that...
In my new assignment as Chairman of the CJS Appropriations Subcommittee, I am working to ensure that federal agencies under my jurisdiction uphold the law as written by Congress – not as the President wishes they were...
During my last District Work Period, I sat down with members of the Dallas Builders Association to discuss important issues facing the North Texas building community. During our conversation they relayed their frustrations...
Officers are not just agents of the law. They are keepers of the peace. Attempting to separate an upset mother from her child is asking for trouble.
My mother makes wonderful double-chocolate brownies . As a kid, I would take them to school , and the PTA would sell them in the school bake sale to raise money for projects like uniforms for the school band and cheerleaders...
In all the news of the Israel election, there were yet other blows to progressives Tuesday. The ability of the EPA to do essentially whatever it wants was soundly criticized yesterday by Harvard's Constitutional Law uber-...
On February 26, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) passed new Net Neutrality regulations. During my time as a computer consultant, I saw firsthand the benefits of the government leaving the Internet alone.
When the FCC decided to approve net nuetrality by a partisan 3 to 2 vote, pushed by the White House, two things happened. The independence of the FCC was destroyed as Democrat Tom Wheeler carried the White House water and...
 Competition is GOOD. Period. Government regulation stifles competition. Period. Ergo most government regulation is NOT GOOD.
Today, what I want to address is the people versus the Washington Cartel. Restoring liberty in an age of cronyism. I want to start by thanking my friend Jim DeMint, who's a big part of the reason that all of us are talking...
If today’s Supreme Court ruling proved one thing, it is that the Court no longer believes that words matter.
John Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. He established the Rutherford Institute back in 1982 and still serves as President...
Last week was Tax Week. We all had to file our taxes (or extensions), and in Congress, the House passed several bills improving our Tax system and repealing the estate tax.
I always laugh when a poll tells us the obvious, and no surprise here, as a new CNN/ORC poll shows that most Americans, 57 percent, want the next president to undo “Change we can believe in,” and go back to the America that...
This week, the House of Representatives approved my bill, the Secret Science Reform Act of 2015 (H.R. 1030), with a bipartisan vote of 241-175.
This week, the House is expected to vote on two common sense bills to make the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) more accountable and transparent. Under the Obama Administration, our West Texas farmers, ranchers, and...
Last week, we saw an example of executive overreach through an executive edict issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The draft regulations seek to ban common rifle ammunition – yet another...
There is an economic impact of net neutrality, but there is a more sinister reason behind Obama's push to control the internet: controlling political speech. As I have shown in previous columns, the left is no longer...
Quite frankly, I believe this is one of those situations where the government wants a solution without a problem. As a business owner that founded a tech company, I have seen firsthand how keeping the Internet largely free...



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