Steven Montalvo

Steven Montalvo's picture

Steven Montalvo is a college freshman at Texas A&M, Molecular and Cell Biology and Pre Med major. He grew up on the border in the Rio Grande Valley city of Brownsville, Texas. He is half Hispanic, half Caucasian and identifies with both cultures.

Steven grew up with conservative values; he is a god-fearing, churchgoing Protestant Christian. His parents generally vote republican, except for local elections where there are very few republican candidates.

You might find Steven playing tennis, piano, or around College Station and Brownsville. He is generally friendly, unless the words “I love Obama [or Pelosi]” escape the mouths of those around him. Steven co-founded a Republican club at his high school, with the help of fellow bloggies Danielle Chavez and Fernando Trevino. He helped campaign for John McCain in Brownsville during the 2008 presidential election. Steven considers himself a “Reagan conservative” and loves being Ice Cold to those who feel that creating intruding government and following Keynesian economics is beneficial to Americans.


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