On appeals court ruling Obamacare mandate unconstitutional: "rocket science?" asks TX CD-25 candidate Dianne Costa

"The 11th Circuit has found that Obamacare's mandate to force Americans to purchase health insurance is unconstitutional.  So this was rocket science? This is how Obama began his presidency and it has gone down hill from there. The next thing to go down hill is Obama and all his goonies in 2012."  That's what Dianne Costa, candidate for U.S. Representative, Texas Congressional District 25 (CD-25), said about the recent ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upholding that the federal health care law's (Obamacare) individual mandate violates the U.S. Constitution.

Costa's statement in her journal blog then refers to her position on the health care issue:

"I oppose Obamacare. Health care decisions must be left in the hands of patients and physicians, not the government. As the wife of a physician and with 15 years in the medical profession myself, I recognize firsthand that health care reforms are needed. Insurance coverage of pre-existing conditions and the ability to buy insurance across state lines are two of the changes needed to reduce expanding health care expenses."

Costa's statement also refers to Attorney General Abbott's recent comments about the court's decision on Obamacare:

"In his recent statement about the 11th Circuit Court ruling, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said 'No public policy goal, no matter how important or well-intentioned, can be allowed to trample the protections and rights guaranteed by our Constitution.'"


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