Volunteers Needed in San Antonio and Nueces County for Block Walking and Phone Banking
Republican Party of Texas - This weekend, there are dozens of campaigns and county parties who are lining up volunteers for blockwalking, phone banks and other grassroots activities to push out our Republican message. Here in Austin, volunteers have been calling from the State Party headquarters to help drive out other volunteers into key races across the state for this weekend's events and we hope you will join them!
If you live in the SAN ANTONIO or CORPUS CHRISTI regions, we would also like to urge you to make a special effort this weekend to join one of the following two events.
w/ Congressman Quico Canseco
Blockwalking | Phone Banking
We need 300 volunteers! - More information available at this link.
Help Turn Nueces County RED!
8:00am start time at the Courthouse
Come early to pick up materials and bags! More info here.
No matter where you live in Texas - the weather forecast for Saturday includes a dry cold front to bring some refreshing fall weather to our state. Its a great opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy one of the most pleasant times of the year while also making a direct impact on these critical elections!
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