Bruce Bowers
December 20th, 2011
The ongoing election leaves us all, at least the Patriots on the conservative end in somewhat of a quandary. Most importantly, where in the heck are we to put our precious and single vote. We get to choose our candidate to...
October 4th, 2011
It has been awhile since you last heard the krumbrucedailyrant. Mostly, the restraints of time were the main culprit but also in part, it was by the restraint of self. There have been numerous occasions that the rant was...
July 26th, 2011
Patriots,While cleaning around the new homestead, there was an area that was covered in old hay and stray. There were piles of it spread over an area behind the barn. On top over it, were a few boards and all of the various...
April 19th, 2011
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” This statement was made by one of the finest human beings, in my humble opinion anyway, that ever graced the American...
April 16th, 2011
First Battle of Bull Run was fought on July 21, 1861. After the disastrous Union defeat, President Lincoln summoned George McClellan to command the forces in Washington.Lincoln was impressed by McClellan's ability to turn...
April 11th, 2011
In response to an article, ‘Natural Law and The Constitution’, a reader commented saying, “Slavery was also considered natural law do you advocate that too?” How this reader gleaned this from the article is baffling but it...
April 7th, 2011
Everyone knows the troubles he’s seen. It is world famous and every school child has witnessed it for themselves.Mr. Charles Brown. Dog lover (Snoopy, Joe Cool of the comic world), sportsman (baseball as well as football),...
April 3rd, 2011
The spring issue of Inspire Magazine, is titled, “The Tsunami of Change – The unfolding revolution has brought with it a wave of change”, Inspire is the online edition of al-malahem media publications.This issue, the Spring...
December 2nd, 2011
I want to make just a short follow up to my last installment of the Daily Rant. Can the president use the military to arrest anyone he wants, keep that person hidden away from a judge and jury, and lock him up for as long as...
August 19th, 2011
It was a hot and balmy night for 60th day in a row. For the past two months, the Texas sun had beat down like a Democratic lawyer’s heat lamp on Karl Rove’s head during the Valerie Plame investigation. Inside, a fellow and...
April 20th, 2011
Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five: Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year.On the night of April 18, 1775,...
April 18th, 2011
It’s time to take a look toward a friend of all conservatives, CNN’s own Wolf Blitzer. Well, okay, maybe he is not a friend of conservatives. We know that those media types that have even the slightest right lean, end up at...
April 14th, 2011
Ah, spring, a time when people’s minds turn to activities outdoors. A time when the flowers bloom and leaves gather on the trees. A time when young men’s fancies turn to, ah, turn to…Well I guess I forgot that one. No I didn...
April 10th, 2011
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to...
April 4th, 2011
I have noticed that a lot of people, most notably our elected politicians need to be reminded of where our Constitutional rights came from. I am reposting this slightly edited article that I wrote in Dec. 2009 as a brief...
April 1st, 2011
A little over a year ago, I published the main portion of this article. After reading through it again, I felt it was important to share it with you all again. I welcome you all to the fold of concerned Fellow Patriots. We...