Beverly Nuckols

We used to call it a “Mexican standoff,” but that could be considered bigoted these days. Or at least non-PC.“Obama Standoff” is a better description for a specific condition – one that’s becoming more common and hitting us...
It often seems that we fight increasing de-volition of traditional human and medical ethics with new technological advances. Here’s evidence that sometimes ethics and the understanding of human dignity can or could advance....
I believe that Governor Sarah Palin had the potential and many opportunities over the last 3 years to unite us in much the same way that Ronald Reagan did when he built his coalition between 1976 and 1980. The fact that she...
When Conservatives refuse to vote, we don’t just get fewer Republican voters. We end up with candidates chosen by the least knowledgeable voters.Conservatives are the foundation of the Republican Party, the remnant that has...
It looks like somebody remembered that the Constitutions (of Texas and the US) don’t say that judges get the important decisions and the Legislatures get the unimportant ones. I do wish the SCOTUS had said “hands off,” but...
From the public rhetoric and actions, it appears that the Left’s motto is “If I can’t have it, no one can.” In direct contrast to all the talk of protecting and preserving the middle class from the Obama administration, I’m...
Conservatives understand that we shouldn’t make the perfect the enemy of the good. Personally, I’m reluctant to criticize Republican candidates before even one vote is cast in the Primaries. But Conservatives also know that...
Transhumanism is a field composed of many interesting mind games (pun intended) but the really great title of this Scientific American review of Connectome, a new book by Sebastian Seung on cutting edge neuroscience, the...
Whatever happened to the Conservative idea of "Equal Opportunity for all"? For that matter, what about free market principles and the idea that no one is "too big to fail?"Are Conservatives comfortable with the promotion of...
No more Tea Parties, No more FReeping (See, No more looking at the bluebonnets or taking family Easter pictures! And this is from a Republican from Amarillo! HB 2443A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT
I can’t say the whole name of the Institute (Texas Institute for Health Care Quality and Efficiency) in one breath, so I alternate between calling it “the Institute,” or “tick” for “TIHCQE.”TIHCQE will make recommendations...
It’s not just right wing, Christian “anti-choicers” (we really prefer to be called “pro-life”) who understand that paying abortion providers and those who refer to them under Medicaid and Title X funds enables them to do...
Do we want a big name blogger – one who is nearly a member of the traditional media – named to the CPAC Blogger of the Year? Or do we want a grassroots, self-taught blogger like you and me to represent us?
An article, based on lies, by the Texas Tribune’s Emily Ramshaw was picked up by the New York Times Sunday (January 29th) edition.The lies are neatly tied up in these two sentences:"This past fall, doctors...
There’s no conflict between the three legs of Reagan Conservatism, in spite of the confusion surrounding contraception and homosexual “rights” we witnessed during the New Hampshire debates. Social issues such as the right to...
The Obama Administration has told Texas that our State is not allowed to decide who will provide medical care under Title X Family Planning and Well Woman funds. The Administration has recently ruled in a similar manner for...
Governor Rick Perry was grilled by Wolf Blitzer on CNN‘s Situation Room on Wednesday, December 7, with frequent interruptions and repetitious questions.
The Lord does work in mysterious ways, but most of the time He just uses the laws of physics and the logic that He invented. Still, I was surprised to find an argument for pro-life versus abortion logic on a technology blog...
It’s time to remind our Texas Republican legislators who brought them to the dance, and that we are supposed to lead. They seem to have heard our Conservative song at times; even going so far as to dance all around their own...
Presentation to Texas GOP Vote in Austin, Texas, March 25, 2011:If you crack the egg of a bird on the Endangered Species List, it won’t matter that the bird was a fetus or embryo. You’ve still broken Federal law. Why is the...



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