Beverly Nuckols

Urologist Dr. Anthony Atala made news in January, 2007 with his report in Nature Biotechnology on stem cells found in amniotic fluid. These were 'adult' or non-destructive stem cells that could be turned into any sort of...
Late Thursday night and early Friday morning, March 3-4, 2011, the new Select Committee on State Sovereignty met for the first time, under the direction of Chairman Brandon Creighton (R-16, Conroe, Montgomery County), and...
In New York City, Black women abort 60% of their pregnancies.Pastor Stephen Broden mounted an unsuccessful run against Eddie Bernice Johnson for Dallas-area Congressional District 30 last year. He is one of the founders and...
Break the egg of a turtle or bird on the Endangered Species List and no one will question whether the fetus or embryo was a leather backed turtle or a pelican. But according to op-eds in the Houston Chronicle, the Austin...
This week's New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in the histrionically titled article, "A Flood of Opioids, a Rising Tide of Deaths", very roughly outlines a reported increase in deaths and injuries due to prescription...
Science, is a weekly journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.The journal only allows non-subscribers to read an excerpt, but the AAAS report is available without subscription. In...
Everyone wants “Cadillac” health care. The “health care reform” bill passed by Congress this year, "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," claims to be able to provide it.
July 4, 2010, the United States commemorated the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It has been 234 years since Jefferson and his co-signers found it “self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their...
The Scientist reports on the controversial "23andMe" home gene test for "playful" characteristics (link requires free registration) such as curly hair and the ability to smell certain metabolites of asparagus (in the urine...
I touched last week on the politics of transhumanism. Technology that feeds information directly to our senses and/or sends data from our bodies to the Internet and machines without the more indirect input by a key board or...
Buried within this news release about an article published this week in the journal Stem Cells is the report that the same team has accomplished as yet unpublished production of the same sorts of cells from “induced...
“If we should vote next week on whether to begin producing cheese in a factory on the moon, I almost certainly would oppose it...On the other hand, if the government decided to institute the policy, it would be my objective...
On Wednesday February 9, 2011, the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee held a public hearing on the Ultrasound Bill, Senate Bill 16, introduced by Senator Dan Patrick, a Republican from the Houston area. I drove to Austin...
Since when is accusing everyone of terrorism acceptable, much less equal to accusing no one?“It is acceptable and encouraged that a TSA government official can do something to an American citizen that US military...
Even as we learn that the journal, Stem Cell, has given its annual award to a researcher who showed that umbilical cord blood cells can help repair kidneys after trauma, that scientists have induced adult stem cells to go...
I attended a once in a lifetime event sponsored by the Austin Heart Hospital and Texans for Stem Cell Research on the University of Texas campus Wednesday, October 27th. Six researchers reported on cutting-edge stem cell...
Ronald Bailey is the Science Editor of Reason Magazine, a print and on line journal dedicated to “free minds and free markets.” The focus tends to be Libertarian, secular, and technological. Most of the time I agree with the...
When I heard about Kevin Costner’s press conference on the British Petroleum oil spill, I’m afraid that I thought about WaterWorld, that huge money-loser that helped put
In a move reminiscent of the looters in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, President Obama’s Department of Labor announced a far-reaching change to the 1993 Family Medical Leave Act in a well publicized media event and News Release...
I started doing research in order to write about the 21% in Medicare payments to doctors that will go into effect on Friday, June 18, 2010 unless Congress acts fast. * Instead, I got caught up in HR 4213, the "Tax Extenders...



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