Eric Golub

*This was originally posted on The Tygrrrr Express on October 21st.Today I am driving from my home in Los Angeles to a lunchtime Tea Party rally in San Diego followed by a dinnertime rally in Yuma, Arizona.In the...
If even one person had died in the Chilean mine, this column never would have been written. Only because all 33 miners and every rescue worker is safe, can we go back to normal quickly.
The gloves are now off. To quote a real adult, former Vice President Dick Cheney, they are off “big time.”I have been as gracious with the First Toddler in Chief as I can possibly be.It seems Barack Obama will not now…nor...
As Rosh Hashanah and Ramadan are in the news (not to mention the NFL Kickoff of the NFC Title Rematch between the Vikings and New Orleans Saints, including # 4 Brett Favre), some Jews and Muslims are hopeful that a peace...
After over a year since both sides agreed to sit down and accomplish nothing, Israelis and Palestinians have finally hammered out a broad agreement in principle to hold talks and waste everyone’s time.Hillary Clinton proudly...
We need to immediately send storm troopers into congress to arrest 10 white liberal democrats.To quote Johnny Cochran, “forget the evidence.”Just round them up, use batons or tasers if necessary, lock them up, and throw away...
For those wanting up-to-date information on Lindsay Lohan or Jersey Shore, look in the mirror and apologize for being an imbecile contributing to America’s intellectual decline. That concludes today’s pop culture report.The...
RNC Chairman Michael Steele is under fire. I am firing back. Somebody has to defend this good and decent man, and I am happy to do it.
I am driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas today for the big Tea Party rally.(I have gone to Vegas for parties before, but this one will end before 5am and will involve less debauchery.)I will also be at the rallies in...
As the American public grows bored with President Obama and other leftists demonizing conservatives for existing and breathing air, the leftist bomb-throwers remain obtuse. They truly believe that the bomb-throwing is...
A woman named Velma Hart spoke at a town hall directly to President Barack Obama and gave the entire country the ultimate teachable moment.
Once again the Greeniacs are going beyond the pale of sanity and reason. Even, better, leftist groups that are normally natural allies are again fighting with each other.Leftists do this because they have no uniting...
I have been asked by many people why I have not covered the Ground Zero Mosque.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, I will begin this Tygrrrr Express conference with a brief opening statement concerning my act of heroism as the new Rosa Parks. After congratulating myself, I will deign to take questions...
In a revelation that was shocking even to me, I have brought to my attention and am now bringing to the world the unmistakable truth that will affect everything and everyone from now until Armageddon. I am the prophet...



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