Gary Polland

Houston just had the Super Bowl, and it was great for those who attended and for our hotels and restaurants.Now, the special interests are saying we need to spend money ($400 million?) to be competitive with Miami, LA,...
The Democrats lost the election based on a system of selecting a President through the Electoral College. The popular vote only matters in each individual state.
For the "most transparent administration in history" we know there was a cover-up of the exchange of $400 million for American prisoners in Iran.Think about the implications of this action, the safety of Americans overseas...
Living in Texas metropolitan areas, given as our economy has slowed, we all understand that the roads are deteriorating, the congestion is getting worse almost to the point of L.A. style traffic in Houston, Austin, and...
It was a strange week or so, and, like many, we are scratching our head as to who Trump thinks his opponent is, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Ryan, John McCain, or Khizr Khan?
The battle that the leave forces had over exiting the European Union is similar to one we face this year over immigration policy, who controls (if anyone) our borders, our nationalism, globalism and its impact on the U.S.,...
Reality check: The economy, as reflected in the labor market, is weak. The economy created 38,000 jobs in May, yet unemployment dropped because 455,000 gave up on the labor force; and of those still in, 468,000 want full-...
If you're under 50 you really need to read this. If you're over 50, you lived through it, so share it with those under 50. 
You all remember Lando Calrissian in The Empire Strikes Back, he made a deal with the Empire, and they did not keep it, so he finally concluded, "This deal is getting worse all the time." Very much like Obama's deal...
It was an interesting election with Bill King and Sylvester Turner emerging in the Mayoral runoff. King was able to consolidate the "run government as a business" voters and Sylvester, the liberal Democrats.
Post-election, we have heard one excuse after another for Hillary's defeat. The biggest is that Vladimir Putin hacked DNC emails to give Trump an advantage.
You can learn a lot by studying the exemplary lives of those we lose. Naomi Warren's life story is worth a review. She passed away recently at the age of 96. The below are important facts that should be learned and absorbed...
Maybe to be forearmed, you need to be forewarned. Trump's decline in the last two weeks, if not reversed, could impact other GOP races.
Having just returned from California, it's time to ask, is this our future? Basically, we see two roads for America, the Texas road or California road.
If Donald Trump plans to show voters what to expect from a Trump presidency, then he has done two things so far to increase our confidence in him. First, it was the distinguished list of judges to be considered for the...
How many times do we have to replay the same mistake in the battle with radical Islamic terrorists?
A few things first, the Clinton campaign plans to have sufficient funding to contest Texas. Second, in Presidential years, a lot of Texas is competitive, starting with major urbanized counties like Harris, Dallas, Bexar, and...
As our children's test scores decline, the Houston ISD School Board is more interested in changing school names at the cost of millions than running the school district.
In a city that is almost 2-1 Democratic, Bill King, in the non-partisan Mayoral election came oh so close. Closing the gap after round one, King tightened the numbers to a miniscule 4,129 votes out of the 212,696 cast!
The supporters of the "HERO" Bathroom Ordinance in the City of Houston are stretching the truth in their hysterical efforts to avoid voter rejection in November.



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