Jason Mrochek
April 9th, 2018
Recent threats of gun control by those in both major parties, as well as the President of the United States, have once again thrust the 2nd Amendment into the spotlight. While observing many of the debates around this topic...
August 21st, 2017
Are you tired yet of every racial grievance making its way into the political arena to try to score political points? Tired of people using race as an excuse to justify poor behavior like tearing down or defacing historical...
August 7th, 2017
It is called by many names: Constitutional Convention, Con-Con, Convention of States, Article V Convention.But just because we can have one, doesn’t mean we should have one. In fact, the opposite is true.
September 1st, 2017
Sometimes it is so frustrating scrolling through all of the social media out there full of the latest unbelievable act of this politician or that branch of government.
August 18th, 2017
Our republic is failing. Among the symptoms are frequent Constitutional violations, over-spending, open hostility to the Christian faith, activist judges, unenforced borders, a wildly intrusive federal government, and an...