Kevin Jackson

There has been a war between the Obama and the Clintons for some time. So Hillary’s recent criticism of Obama’s foreign policy was more than her “Blame Barack” strategy, but also a bit of comeuppance.In an interview with the...
Hillary Clinton may suffer Election Disappointment 2.o, and might have to remain in the ranks of the “dead broke.”In what looks like a replay of the 2008 election, Hillary Clinton will likely get a challenger, and again it...
How’s this news going to play out for Liberals, as ten million Californians get the sticker shock of ObamaCare premium increases. And unlike those “phony” scandals, this one has been verified…by a Democrat.Democrat Insurance...
If you work for a government entity, you are being paid to look the other way. Don’t dare expose what’s really happening in a government entity, or you will be railroaded.When a person is hired by a government entity, the...
Studying Liberals as long as I have, I have learned quite well the smell of a RAT! The Lois Lerner backup tapes have been found. I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that her emails were never lost. So did they use this...
What does a worthless president do, who is embroiled in more scandals than he can count? You stage a pizza and pool party with a few of your remaining fans and give out “high fives,” and “fist bumps.” Oh, and you might pick...
Would you be surprised to learn that Obama is using intimidation to get the men who served with Bergdahl to keep quiet? I know, I know…just another fake scandal, right?Leave no man behind has been the battle cry of Obama’s...
Obama may have a pen and a phone, but the phone is “man down.” Obama is finding out the hard way that the phone works both ways, and the guy on the other doesn’t have to answer. {face palm} Obama’s administration is so...
With the success of Obama’s green energy policy, why not have another round of blood-letting for the American taxpayers. After all, in what is obvious crony capitalism and campaign donation payoffs, Obama figures if we haven...
I saw this chart for the most polluted cities in China, as well as in the U.S. A couple of things stand out.First, having lived in China, I am amazed that we make such a fuss about pollution in America, when I know first-...
Never has a president shown so much range, going from ordering a few strikes of ISIS to golfing.Four hours after ordering another military strike on ISIS targets, Obama was golfing with friends on Martha’s Vineyard.We’ve...
Nancy Pelosi may have staved off age on her face, but when she came “charging” across the House floor to wag her finger at Rep. Tom Marino, she did it at break-neck glacial speed.In this video you can see Pelosi looks like...
Barack Obama will make green energy successful, no matter what it costs…the American taxpayer.Perhaps the WTO will bail us out, as this video suggests:
GM has experienced some bad press, because they manufacture death traps. They paid back $40 billion on a $50 billion loan from the American taxpayer, netting $10 billion, and what do they do: build rolling mechanical coffins...
According to the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA), all workers have the right to engage “concerted activity for mutual aid or protection” and “organize a union to negotiate with [their] employer concerning [their...
Dr. Ben Carson is the antithesis of Barack Obama, which is to say, Dr. Carson is logical and competent. He doesn’t just work on brains, he actually USES his!Dr. Carson make a lot of sense, and that vexes the Left.Only the...
Hillary Clinton is crying poverty. The woman who commands $200,000 per speaking engagement claims that after Bill and she left the White House, they were “dead broke.” Hillary Clinton told ABC News:
Democrats claim to love America’s veterans, right. Publicly they act as if they want to protect our military men and women, serving or not. But the truth is Liberals and Democrats could not care less about veterans.Dianne...
Imagine what the government can do with technology. Government can track your speed, and now it can give you this warning, if you are speeding!The LRAD systems weigh from 15 to 320 pounds (6.8 to 145.1 kg) and can emit sound...
This Detroit squatter story is unbelievable on so many levels: home invaders had the complete audacity to blame a home owner for leaving her house? What?The Fox News reporter keeps it “real,” including her lingo.But what is...



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