Kevin Jackson

There is a positive about progressivism: when libraries get looted, they don’t steal the books.Mark Twain Library in Detroit is a testament to the state of Liberalism in America.If the library were a Best Buy, there would be...
Interested to know what you get for “free” in ObamaCare? Preventative services. That’s what. Because you can prevent cancer, diabetes, emphysema, and such if you will just OBEY THE GOVERNMENT!The Unaffordable Care Act has...
For the feminists in America who so love everything NOT American, here is one of your own, willing to suck it up and admit that she was wrong after being imprisoned in an Afghan harem. Perhaps feminists can all learn a thing...
This “Help Kickstart World War III” may be one of the most clever videos I’ve seen in some time! Who says that the Left doesn’t support Obama…no matter what!? Check out this special interest group.
It’s no secret how I feel about wackademia in America. It’s a government-sanctioned racket. They steal money and teach our children very little. Public schools are government indoctrination centers meant to teach children...
Uh oh, these bankrupt liberal cities are now having to rely on…the PRIVATE SECTOR! In the wake of all their money woes, many Liberal indoctrination centers (enclaves known as CITIES) looking into private (gasp) security.When...
I agree with Farrakhan that government is not the solution for blacks, or anybody else. But to not place any blame on Obama, and to blame the problems of “black America” on racism and greed of the past is ridiculous.
What’s funny about the outcome when race-pimps help is they get off scott free.Sharpton stoked the flames of racism, but Tawana Brawley is left holding the bag of excrement. With the help of Sharpton, what should have been a...
All the hoopla over the Zimmerman verdict, the threat of violence, and all the other predictions that the media and the Obama administration and race-pimps ginned up, and poof…nothing. The biggest civil rights trial of the...
Although I’ve been rather quiet about the George Zimmerman case, I’ve had many opinions throughout the proceedings.I’ve generally not wanted to talk about it because, overall, it is just a local crime story that’s gotten out...
To think they jumped on Romney when he mentioned the 47 percent.Here is Obama calling people who get behind on their mortgages, “Deadbeats.”Well I know lots of deadbeats! And Obama is creating these slackers at a frantic...
This is not good news for gun-grabbing Leftists. Chicago should take note. There was a BBQ in Michigan with open carry gun enthusiasts, and not a single shooting or death occurred.When you consider that in Chicago, the...
OOH RAH TO THE BIKERS WHO UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AN AMERICA PATRIOT!This is from my friend Lori Boxer, but I believe it captures what many patriotic Conservative Americans stand for, and how we treat those who...
Behind McGuire Veterans Hospital in Richmond, VA., a K-9 with two Purple Hearts, Yeager, is helping Marine Sgt. David Tupper heal from combat-related injuries suffered in Afghanistan. K-9s are an integral part of America’s...
Charlie Rangel says that kids should not have to pay for college, and he’s right. Because American students would get what they didn’t pay for…NOTHING!Truth be told, Liberals would love to offer free “education,” as fresh...
Obama has more excuses than he has scandals concerning the myriad of problems in the black community, including the bad behavior of black kids in schools.In his latest “I hate imperialist white America” action, Obama wants...
And not since the dalliances of the sex-crazed Warren Beatty have so many Hollyweirdos been so publicly humiliated.America’s most recent scorned lover is Matt Damon.The Oscar-winning actor Matt Damon admitted recently that...
In a world where freedom of choice reigns, in liberal states like New York and Washington “my body my choice” includes everything except for what one chooses to put into and come out of one’s mouth.In New York, the...
For the time being, capitalism has won a battle that should have never been fought. Nanny Bloomberg’s 16-oz soda limitation is no more.An appeals court ruled Tuesday that New York City’s Board of Health exceeded its legal...
Hollywood has been tripping all over itself to support and further the policies of Barack Obama.As the nation remains in economic distress and is herded toward the healthcare reform it largely rejects, and as Conservatives,...



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