Luke Macias

The State Board of Education is one of the most important elected bodies in the state of Texas and unfortunately they get less support than nearly all the other statewide candidates.These members are determining the...
As Republicans we believe in the free market. We believe the private sector is where innovation will occur and that government programs could be more efficient if businesses got involved.
For those of you who don't know, Nathan Macias is my Dad. He served as a State Representative from 2006-2008. He was freshman of the year during the 2007 session for the Republican freshman class and received nothing but "A...
(Washington, D.C.) - Americans for a Conservative President (ACP) today announced a declaration on its website to build public support for a strong Republican Presidential nominee who champions...
Ken Mercer has been appointed as the Chairman of the committee on school initiatives. This committee handles many policies regarding charter schools and will play an integral role in Texas education reform over the next...

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