Ron Nehring
October 23rd, 2015
European politicos got a rare inside view of political campaigns in Europe and the United States at a pivotal conference conducted this week by the prestigious Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Berlin.
August 5th, 2015
When I arrived in Des Moines, Iowa just before the 1996 Republican caucuses, New York publisher Steve Forbes was first in the polls. Nine days later, he finished fourth.A lot of lessons can be drawn from that campaign, and...
June 8th, 2015
Republican skepticism of big government bureaucracies has been proven right once again with last week’s revelation that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is performing more like the DMV and the Postal Service...
April 3rd, 2015
One of the nation’s most important conservative organizations is coming to California this summer.
January 29th, 2015
San Diego voters have a right to know who is trying to influence our local elections. Yet a proposal going before the County Board of Supervisors will mean more dark money and less transparency in our local politics.
October 10th, 2014
With the nation’s highest poverty rate and one of the nation’s worst unemployment rates, it’s pretty clear that California is in need of more economic development. This means generating sufficient private sector job growth...
August 11th, 2014
Joblessness and poverty in California are more severe than just about anywhere in America.In an election year, this is a reality incumbents tend to gloss over. California’s improving, they say, so keep us in charge.For the...
July 18th, 2014
California’s lagging and uneven economy is leaving millions of people behind. This isn’t the election year spin coming from members of the Ruling Party in Sacramento, but it’s the harsh economic reality being produced by...
January 10th, 2014
This week, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was presented with an unexpected opportunity to show people how he responds to a crisis. News that some of his top aides were involved with creating traffic problems in Ft. Lee in...
December 2nd, 2013
President Obama’s strategy is clear: focus on winning control of the House for Democrats so he can have the unified control of government he needs to write his legacy in his final two years, as he did in his first....
September 10th, 2015
They don’t come any better than Peter Hannaford.This past week the Republican Party lost one of its giants. Peter Hannaford, a man whose long list of accomplishments included serving as a senior adviser to Ronald Reagan both...
July 1st, 2015
Presidential campaigns are unpredictable, as the sudden national debate about the Confederate flag that flies over the South Carolina state capitol demonstrates.
April 10th, 2015
The Leadership Institute and the Project for California’s Future will bring their extensive Campaign and Candidate Training Program to Central Valley conservative candidates, potential candidates, leaders and activists with...
March 10th, 2015
More than a few years have passed since Clinton scandals littered the daily headlines. Whitewater, Juanita Broddrick, Gennifer Flowers, Vince Foster, impeachment, Marc Rich, the pardons, the White House Travel Office,...
December 10th, 2014
Editor's note: Ron Nehring was the Republican nominee for California Lt. Governor in 2014. He previously served as the Chairman of the California Republican Party, and the Chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego...
September 24th, 2014
The rapid deterioration of several nations in the Middle East and North Africa has taken many Americans and our leaders by surprise. Iraq, Syria and Libya have all seen terrorist groups spread their influence and grow in...
July 24th, 2014
The crisis resulting from tens of thousands of Central American children traversing dangerous territory to cross our porous border is one that demands leadership. But don’t look for it from those who currently occupy...
February 26th, 2014
We’ve all been forced to sit through them, like high school detention with a speaker: a poorly run panel discussion at a meeting, training or conference. Like everything else in life, there are many wrong ways, and a few...
January 3rd, 2014
Republicans warned Obamacare would be a disaster. And we are right.One of the biggest problems posed by the government shutdown was that it obscured how bad Obamacare really is. News media attention is focused on closed...
May 23rd, 2013
While Democrats in state capitals such as Sacramento and Albany are busy patting themselves on the back for the great job they’re doing, a new report out today puts California and New York at the bottom of the list for...