Sonja Harris

San Antonio has the opportunity to take the bull by the horns. In a city driven by Liberals and Progressives from all directions and vacillating on socialism, it is essential that the Republican Bexar County Chair be...
The Holy Land is a mystery to unbelievers and I might add to some believers. Jerusalem where Jesus walked the land gives testimony to those that doubt or refuse to believe in the crucifixion. Going to the Holy Land has...
The Court of Criminal Appeals is the highest court in Texas for deciding criminal justices issues. There is no one better qualified than Judge Dib Waldrip to be elected to Place 8 on the Court.
Early voting has begun for the Primary Election on March 6, the day Republicans decide who will be the nominees against the dark side, the Democratic Party. There will probably be many runoff elections in May. One of those...
Dib Waldrip is a highly respected judge who sits on the 433rd District Court in Comal County.
Congressional District 21 sits in the middle of Texas with a population of over 800,000. It is also an area of Texas that enjoys city life, country and small town living and the beautiful Hill Country. The 21st Congressional...
An inscription on the cenotaph reads: In Memory of the Heroes who sacrificed their lives March 6, 1836 in the defense of Texas. They chose never to surrender or retreat; these brave hearts with flag still proudly waving...
Just one week after 26 of its members were murdered and 20 more seriously wounded by a deranged gunman, the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church held its Sunday morning service. Only this time, it was at the nearby...
I was given an opportunity to review the Mexican American Studies Toolkit by Tony Diaz. A ‘textbook’ Diaz would like to have implemented into our Texas school system.
Standing at the base of the Alamo Cenotaph, Lee Spencer White is surrounded by descendants of the Alamo defenders during a rally in San Antonio on Saturday, October 14 to save the memorial dedicated to the fallen Alamo...
The Texas Primary held March 6, 2018 was the first in the country.  When Congressman Lamar Smith resigned, I doubt he ever imagined that there would be 18 candidates vying for his position.  Congressional District 21 has...
It is impossible to go to the Holy Land Seeking Jesus and not visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher that is inside the Old Walls of Jerusalem.  The church location has a history of being destroyed and rebuilt and is located...
The Republican Primary will be over March 6 at 7:30 pm. I have a mountain of mailers telling me who the most conservative, the most pro-life, the most fiscally conservative candidates are to vote for. I have to laugh because...
Jerry Patterson is a retired USMC Lt Colonel who served our country honorably for 24 years during the Vietnam War. He was a member of the Texas Senate from 1993-1999 and was the 27th Commissioner of the General Land Office...
Of the thirteen remaining Republicans vying for Congressional District 21 – How many are really serious and understand the complexities of the office?
Christmas will soon be here and it would be remiss of me not to mention the Basilica of the Nativity, the place where Jesus was born in the Holy Land. There was so much to see and much to take in that it is impossible to...
On Thursday, May 11, 2017 the City of San Antonio approved a $450M Master Plan to ‘reimagine’ the most prestigious and significant mission in Texas, the Alamo. The Alamo Master Plan has some interesting comments about "...
Sutherland Springs, Texas is located in Wilson County on US 87 South, just southeast of Bexar County, and has a population of about 643. On Sunday, November 5 at 11:30am in a small Baptist church on FR 539 with an attendance...
What a better way to Seek Jesus than to renew our Baptismal vows in the Holy Land. Again I will point out that everything I experienced was nothing what I expected.
We live in a time of great confusion and unlimited stress.   We have experienced many natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, and floods in a seemingly short time.  It seems that as a country we go from one crisis...



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