Sonja Harris
September 25th, 2017
You might wonder how the Progressives came to power in San Antonio. How can a conservative city like San Antonio allow this to happen? A city where the Catholic cathedral sits across the street from City Hall and...
September 5th, 2017
What happens when all signs of the Confederacy disappear? Will we become a more peaceful, compassionate or even more civil society? Will our history change for the better? Will our past transgressions disappear? I think not...
July 21st, 2017
The historic Sunset Station in San Antonio was the setting for Governor Greg Abbott’s reelection announcement on Friday, July 14.
June 19th, 2017
Overheard at a San Antonio restaurant, “We’re visiting my daughter who lives here and I find it to be such a lovely city, so very conservative.” On June 10, 2017 with some hope still remaining, the last remnants of a ‘...
June 5th, 2017
The Wyndham Garden Hotel in Austin was the setting for the election of the Texas Republican Party Chairman on Saturday, June 3rd. The standing room only crowd filled with State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) members...
May 30th, 2017
Our Lady of the Lake University honored one of their own! The administration of the Sisters of Divine Providence must be quite enamored with the Castros and their progressive agenda because on May 14 they awarded an honorary...
April 27th, 2017
On April 1st Providence Catholic School held its Legacy Gala at the Hilton airport. Individual seats went for $100.00 and table sponsorships sold at $1,000.00. The purpose was to raise funds for the Catholic school.
March 31st, 2017
Republicans now have a Republican House and a Republican Senate and a Republican president who is ready to sign their legislation. It is blatantly obvious to all Americans that the Republican House is in chaotic disarray, it...
March 14th, 2017
If you are following the National and Texas laws on who gets to use which public bathrooms, then you are fully aware that the Texas Privacy Act SB6 aka the bathroom bill, has become quite ‘controversial’ because those that...
February 23rd, 2017
You are the Light of the World. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father. Matthew 5:14, 16PROVIDENCE: A College Preparatory School for Girls...
September 15th, 2017
‘Seeking Jesus’ are utterly profound words. This is a second in a series of our pilgrimage to the Holy Land. A friend asked if I found everything as I answer to her was, “absolutely nothing” was what I...
August 30th, 2017
How does one go about Seeking Jesus? This is a story that I feel must be shared because at one time or another, I believe, all Christians seek truth, seek Jesus.
July 7th, 2017
San Antonio is fast becoming one of the premier LGBTQ cities in Texas. No, not yet on the same scale as San Francisco or New Orleans, but moving fast towards this distinction.
June 9th, 2017
San Antonio entered the battle on June 1 when Mayor Ivy Taylor was out voted on her protest of suing over the Sanctuary City SB4. Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, MALDEF, filed a lawsuit in federal court...
June 2nd, 2017
Early voting is underway in San Antonio and will end on Tuesday June 6. The Run-Off Election will be on June 10, 2010. It’s been a long time since San Antonio conservatives have had an opportunity to win, allowing for a...
May 3rd, 2017
San Antonio has a great opportunity to elect a man of action, integrity and leadership. Patrick von Dohlen is campaigning to win a seat on the San Antonio city council for District 9. He and his family are active...
April 10th, 2017
On a beautiful sun-filled Monday morning, April 3, Wounded Warrior MSgt Blaine Scott and wife Lilly and 10 year old son Blaine were welcomed into their new neighborhood in Copper Ridge just outside of New Braunfels, Texas. ...
March 17th, 2017
Accompanied by his wife, Happy, five of their nine children and numerous supporters, Patrick von Dohlen filed as a candidate for San Antonio city council District 9. His independent, strong voice will resonate well with the...
March 6th, 2017
It's alarming that Republican Representative Dan Huberty from Kingwood, appointed chair by Speaker of the House Joe Straus to the House Public Education Committee, announced on February 28 in an interview with Evan Smith of...
February 6th, 2017
It should be appalling to everyone how President Donald Trump’s nominees are being treated and how the mainstream media is handling this very critical procedure. There will always be naysayers but this is over the top....