Sonja Harris

The theme for this year’s 44th March for Life, held on January 27th on the grounds of the Washington Monument in Washington DC, was ‘The Power of One’, but for all practical purposes ‘Defund Planned Parenthood’ signage was...
San Antonio celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Martin Luther King, jr March on January 16, 2017 while laying claim to having the largest such march in the USA.  A record number of 300,000 were predicted, but the rainy...
The 85th Texas legislative session is just around the corner. It begins on January 10, 2017 and priorities have already been set. A Convention of States is high on the list. The Texas Lt. Governor sent out a press release in...
Donald Trump triumphed over all his enemies, the Obama administration, the shell-shocked MSM, the Republican elites and lastly, Hillary Clinton herself.  I personally stayed up until after 3:00 am Wednesday morning, as so...
Donald Trump happens to be the Republican Party’s nominee. PERIOD! I will not try to defend his totally inexcusable language or defend his indefensible past.  Nor will I pretend that he is without fault.  At one time I was a...
Wayne Christian has had a challenging campaign for Rail Road Commissioner. He made the May 24 Run-Off and beat out Houston real estate tycoon Gary Gates in a tight race. Gates outspent Christian 10 to 1 on promoting his...
This diabolical duo will work ‘Stronger - Together’ to squash our Religious Liberty.  Our Religious Liberty will go by the ways
The showing of ‘A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Disguised Socialism of Saul Alinsky’ by Catholic EWTN exposed just how high Alinsky’s venom has traveled in the Catholic Church, all the way to the Vatican.   The 60 minute...
There are times when the only thing to do is to fight fire with fire.  The San Antonio Express-News ran a full page ad, ‘Statement in Response to Catholics for Choice’ by Texas Prolife Prelates, on page A7 in the Sunday...
A full page ad ran in the San Antonio Express News on September 7, 2016 on page A7. It was paid for by Catholics for Choice. A note at the bottom read, ‘Public funding for abortion is a Catholic social justice value’. NOT...
America will celebrate the peaceful transition of power on January 20, 2017 at noon Washington DC time. There are some whiners that wish Donald John Trump would somehow fade away, but in spite of what they want, Trump will...
Wayne Christian was sworn in on January 9th as the latest addition to the Texas Railroad Commission. The William Travis building room 111 in Austin was standing room only, filled with conservatives from all over Texas to...
Donald Trump tweeted on November 29, that those who burn an American flag should lose their citizenship or go to jail.  Trump loves to stir the pot.  He loves to get a reaction from his tweets.  If, you haven't figured that...
Never fear, Trump wins Texas!!!
A School Choice Rally was held at Holy Cross Catholic High School in San Antonio, Texas on Tuesday October 18, 2016. The main speakers were Daniel Garza, Executive Director of the Libre Initiative, who sponsored the event,...
No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent. – Abraham Lincoln Early Voting Starts October 24, 2016PRAY FOR AMERICA! President - Donald Trump (favor)Vice President – Mike Pence US...
Incumbent Ken Mercer, State Board of Education, District 5 member, is again being challenged by two-time loser Rebecca Bell-Metereau, a
Many of us take education for granted. After all, there are plenty of public schools in Texas, right? Unfortunately, some schools in Texas are failing or are underperforming.
This 60-minute docu-drama presents a Catholic response to the life and thought of a 1960s community organizer whose “Rules for Radicals” impacts the thinking of many in politics today as well some in the church, especially...
At the Amplify School Choice conference that I attended in Denver, I listened attentively when the subject of the Blaine Amendment was discussed.  I had never heard of the Blaine Amendment and probably many of you haven’t...



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