Thomas Woods

An Atlanta woman whose house was broken into by three “local residents” several days ago shot one of them dead. A surveillance camera captured the ordeal, though the victim, Antonio Leeks — no doubt a troubled youth who was...
In a recent discussion I had with Milo Yiannopoulos, we agreed that a backlash was likely on college campuses against the “safe space,” “trigger-warning” culture of Generation Snowflake.
In the late 1960s, when Murray Rothbard — Mr. Libertarian — was asked how many libertarians there were in the world, he answered……25.Twenty-five libertarians in the whole world.
Last week I came across the kind of person I had previously thought was the stuff of right-wing folklore. No, they’re real.Evidently among my Facebook friends I have someone who converted from anarcho-capitalism to “green...
I’m not kidding. My neighbor’s business, which we all loved, was shut down.Was she selling heroin?Was she selling explosives?Was she even selling raw milk?No.Chicken salad.
I couldn’t help thinking Donald Trump’s foreign-policy speech last week might actually have been halfway decent, based on the screeches from the neocons and the cheers from some noninterventionists.Then I read it, and, well...
Patrick Newman, a PhD student in the Department of Economics at George Mason University, discusses the depression of the 1870s, which is often cited as evidence of the economic instability of laissez-faire capitalism.
North Korea is a living example of the totalitarian phenomenon. We get an inside look with Michael Malice, plus the surprising weakness that could bring down the regime.
Here's the video of that talk I gave at the Free State Project's Liberty Forum in early 2013.
I wrote the foreword to Connor Boyack’s new book Feardom: How Politicians Exploit Your Emotions and What You Can Do to Stop Them. With Connor’s permission, I reproduce it below. (Connor discussed the book as a guest...
Today’s Tom Woods Letter, which all the influential people receive every day. Be one of them.I’ll grant you: I’d rather be contacted by shysters pretending to be the IRS than by the actual IRS.But it’s still...
CNN edited the remarks of the sister of Slyville Smith, whose shooting by a black policeman led a mob of protesters to start burning down various properties in their neighborhood. She’s calling for peace, they said.Except...
Ain’t no way I’m watching the Democratic Convention.Especially when I can be enjoying myself this week at the Mises Institute's “Mises University” program, which is the anti-Democratic Convention.
The best thing I can say about Disney’s Hall of Presidents is that it’s air conditioned.On a hot day a couple weeks ago when I was in town to speak at the Libertarian convention, we spent a day at Disney. (No kids this time...
The topic of a “constitutional convention,” or more properly an amendments convention, convened by the states under Article V of the Constitution, is hotly disputed among people who want to limit government. Is it the only...
I talked to Dr. Josh Umbehr, whose practice in Wichita, Kansas, will knock your socks off, for reasons you’ll see below. The cost savings he and his patients enjoy because they stay away from insurance and government are...
John Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. He established the Rutherford Institute back in 1982 and still serves as President...
In this episode I share some tips for becoming a better writer!
Of course not. But it sure is fashionable to say so these days. Economist Bob Murphy joins us to overturn this fashionable view. Article Discussed “$2 Gas Is the Worst Thing to Happen to America,” by Mark Morford
So the Democrats are for peace and the Republicans are for war, huh? Then why is the Democrats’ leading candidate a consistent hawk? Who's the real Hillary Clinton? My guest today, Kelley Vlahos, says she's the "military-...



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