CODE RED HEALTH CARE BILL: Deals, Dirt, and Sunday Vote
Dirty deals just keep on coming. The National Republican Congressional Committee CODE RED website shows:
205 NO votes
204 YES votes
Pelosi Puts the Brakes on Abortion Negotiations
Speaker Writes Off the Stupak Dozen, Scrambles for Votes Elsewhere
Titus Walks the Plank, Will Vote ‘YES’
Another Democrat Announces She’s Looking for a Career Change
Boccieri Sells Out for Party Loyalty with ‘YES’ Vote
Ohio Dem Uses Press Conference to Announce End of Stint in Congress
Rahall Says He’ll Vote ‘NO’
West Virginia Dem Claims He Can’t Hold His Nose for Abortion Funding
Space Summoned To White House, Pulled Aside For “Extended Conversation” With Speaker Pelosi
DEAL WATCH: That Was Fast – Bismarck Bank Job Removed
DEAL WATCH: Deal-a-Palooza
When will the Special Deals Stop?
DEAL WATCH: Parting Gift: Gordon Confirms He’s a ‘YES’
Retiring Dem Puts a Bow on It; Rumors of Sweetheart Deal Fly
After all the corruption and bribery from the Democrats, why not throw in some maudlin, phony, breast-beating?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the pro-abortion Catholic-In-Name-Only, pulling the “faithful religious Italian” card by saying that she is praying to St. Joseph on “St. Joseph the Worker” day for this “life-affirming” legislation to be passed.
A brief check over at Wikipedia shows Ms. Speaker is a lying or mistaken old hypocrite, evoking a Catholic Saint’s holiday, on the wrong day, to pass a “life-affirming” bill that contains federal funding for abortions?