Texas GOP Vote wants to know: Will You Be Telling the President to Keep His Liberal Hands Off Texas?!?!
Ahead of President Obama's visit to Texas next week the Republican House Committee is organizing a "Hands Off Texas!" protest rally at the Texas State Capital in Austin. The rally will take place on Monday, August 9 at 5:30 pm to coincide with Obama's visit to our state's capital.
Hands Off Texas! hopes this will be their biggest rally yet. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson will be among the featured speakers as will be Dr. Donna Campbell - Congressional Candidate District 25, talk radio host Lisa Fritsch, former Solicitor General Ted Cruz, and more.
Those who would like to attend the rally can find downtown Austin area hotels on DowntownAustin.com.
Texas GOP Vote will be there to cover the rally from start to finish with live blog updates and video interviews of guests...the big question is will YOU be there?
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