(VIDEO) Global Warming Video Shows People Who Do Not Agree With Message Being Blown Up

The latest anti-global warming campaign 10:10, aimed at getting people to reduce their carbon footprint by 10% in 2010 has come out with a graphic eco-fascist "No Pressure" commercial pressuring people to cut emissions. The ad shows different scenarios in which people who do not agree to try to reduce carbon emissions are then blown up. It even shows a teacher blowing up her students! This commercial is so outrageous, it comes off as a parody that makes fun of eco-fascism. Unfortunately, well-known British screenwriter Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, Mr. Bean, etc) was not joking when he put this ad together.

Instead of helping the cause, this video has done nothing but backfire. Corporate sponsors Sony and Kyocera have both dropped their support for the cause. The video has since been taken off the 10:10 website, but the damage is done.

The 10:10 ad follows. Warning: If you do not want to see people being fake blown up, do not watch the video.

What kind of message does this send? Isnt it rhetoric and graphic images like this that causes people like the Discovery Channel Gunman to commit violent acts?

Fox News covers the story in the clip below. Warning: If you do not want to see people being fake blown up, do not watch the video clip.


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