Where did HE Come From? Republican Blake Farenthold on the brink of HUGE UPSET vs Solomon Ortiz

The move in the standings comes as no surprise to the campaign staff of Blake Farenthold, who like many Republican candidates across Texas, have been working the streets hard. Doing the months and months of ground work to now look like "an overnight success".
Ortiz, who has represented this district for nearly 28 years, has recently come under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for alleged kickbacks from stimulus funds and earmarks being given back to Ortiz in the form of lucrative security contracts for firms receiving the funds. Voters also seem to be tired of his 98% record of voting with Nancy Pelosi and his pro-abortion votes.
Farenthold recently received an interesting endorsement from his grandmother. Why would a grandmother's endorsement be unusual, you ask? Because his grandmother, in 1972, became the third woman in US history to have her name submitted in nomination by a major party to be a candidate for Vice President of the United States (back when conventions actually selected the running mate). She served four years in the Texas Legislature and then ran twice for the Democrat nomination for Texas Governor against the more conservative Dolph Briscoe.

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