Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin Announces Plans to File Health Care Lawsuit

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin went "On the Record" last night to announce that she and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt are going to be filing to challenge the constitutionality of Obama's health care bill on behalf of the citizens of Oklahoma.

Like Virginia, Oklahoma will not be joining the Florida case, but instead filing its own case. Governor Fallin explained:

"The new federal health care bill is actually in violation of Oklahoma's constitution because Oklahoma's constitution now has an amendment through the health care freedom amendment that says that no law, no rule shall force Oklahomans, whether it's Oklahomans, businesses or health care providers, to join into a health care system, and that's in direct violation of the Oklahoma constitution. So we're going to challenge it on our own merits as Oklahoma."

Greta Van Susteren asked Gov. Fallin, whether as a former U.S. Representative, she thought her former colleagues in the House are paying attention to some many states filing lawsuits against the health care reform bill. Gov. Fallin explained:

"I think you'll find a better working relationship, especially with Speaker Boehner. I went up to meet with Speaker Boehner just right before I was sworn in as governor, and we talked about, with other newly elected governors, how Congress should have a better dialogue with the governors back home on the implication of federal policy and how that affects the states, especially when it comes once again to unfunded mandates, whether it's unfunded mandates in Medicaid, whether it's unfunded mandates in health care, whether it's EPA rules and regulations, whether it's limiting, you know, drilling on oil and gas land, which is very important to Oklahoma.
"You know, I think we have to have a better dialogue between Congress and states, how that affects our economy, how it affects our businesses. You've heard a lot of discussion from the states about states and their constitutionality and sovereignty and rights on the states themselves. And so I think we will see a better dialogue between Congress and governors."

Watch the entire interview below:


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