Fuzzy Math in St. Lucie County

The following came in from Allen West for U.S. Congress Campaign Manager Tim Edson:

With every passing day, the math coming out of St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker’s office becomes more and more fuzzy.

On Sunday the St. Lucie Supervisor of Elections conducted a partial recount of early voting. As a result of that count, the total number of votes dropped by 799. Then on Monday the Supervisor of Elections explained the drop by saying 3,650 votes were double counted on Election Night and 1,950 were not counted at all. Basic math tells us that removing 3,600 double counted votes and adding 1,950 does not add up to a drop of 799 votes, but rather a drop of about 1,700.

Of course, the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections could clear up a lot of this fuzzy math if she would simply release the poll sign-in books so Floridians could see if the number of voters who checked into vote corroborates the number of votes cast. She refuses to do so.

These facts should be alarming to anyone that cares about fair and accurate elections. Unfortunately many in the corrupt liberal media don’t seem to care and Allen’s opponent just wants everyone to move on regardless of the clearly flawed results. He clearly thinks other things are more important—like pretending to be a Congressman and getting to work on Nancy Pelosi’s agenda…

We will not allow this election to be decided without ensuring every vote is counted fairly and accurately. We need to make sure Florida, and the nation, have a principled leader in Congress like Allen West, not another phony politician who will rubber stamp the disastrous Obama-Pelosi agenda.

Thank you for your prayers, your efforts, your contributions and your continued advocacy for fair and accurate elections.


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