UN Takes Concrete Steps Toward Global Tax

In Doha, Qatar late Saturday delegates attending the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change took concrete steps toward a new global treaty to address global warming that will transform the economic structure of the world with a new global tax. To be completed by 2015, the UN expects every nation to implement it by 2020, even though the globe has not warmed for the past 16 years.

Next year the UNFCCC’s Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres will call a “significant number of meetings and workshops...to prepare the new agreement.” Then in 2014, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will “convene leaders to mobilize the political will to ensure the 2015 deadline is met.”

The new treaty would be destructive to the American economy by capping greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, the gas emitted when fossil fuels are burned. The UN insists that fossil fuels be replaced with solar, wind and other renewable energy sources, but even with billions of stimulus dollars and taxpayer subsidies, those sources produce woefully inadequate amounts of energy.

Rather than an environmental outcome, the new treaty is more likely to produce an economic windfall for Figueres, as the green economy has done for former VP Al Gore. Her brother, a former President of Costa Rica, is heavily invested in sustainable development, the green economy.

The UN’s only legally binding treaty to cap greenhouse gas emissions, the Kyoto Protocol, was extended even though it will only address about 15% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. Senate has never ratified the Kyoto Protocol, while Canada and Japan have withdrawn from the treaty.

The UN claims that the 2015 treaty will be applied to all nations, but its “common but differentiated” rules will force rich nations to send their wealth to poor nations. Likewise, rich nations will develop and transfer technologies to poor nations.

It was also decided in Doha to give the Green Climate Fund a new home in the Republic of Korea. The GCF will “launch [its yet to be defined] activities in 2014.” To fill the $100 billion annual fund with private and public money by 2020, the UN wants a first ever global tax on international monetary transactions or on international shipping and airlines or on carbon emissions.

Another new fund was created to pay for “loss and damages” caused by climate change. Island states were adamant about its creation because they have been convinced that glacial melting will sink their islands. The Obama administration agreed to the new fund that amounts to a blank check to Third World countries.

The U.S. Congress must cut off all funding to the UN to prevent it from transforming the economic structure of the world.

Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC

President of the Conference of the Parties (COP)

Demonstrators line the walkway into the convention center

Environmental extremists working together

Favorite coffee shop of locals

Memorandum of Understanding signed for climate change research in Qatar

Code language for a global TAX to pay for climate change



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