Straus Publicly Attacks Gov. Perry and Supports Pro-Abortion Wendy Davis
Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus has attacked Pro-Life Governor Rick Perry and defended pro-abortion State Senator Wendy Davis.
After the filibuster from Wendy Davis and the unruly mob that shut down the Texas State Senate, you would think that any pro-life leader in Texas would criticize either Davis or the mob. Not Joe Straus. Joe Straus criticized Governor Perry simply because Governor Perry gave a compliment to Wendy Davis and then tied the compliment into a very reasonable, fair point about Wendy Davis. There was nothing out of line said, and certainly nothing that would warrant the Speaker having a public opinion about it and attacking Governor Perry. Oh wait, I guess it would make sense for Straus to attack Perry given the fact that Joe Straus killed all the pro-life bills in regular session and Straus didn't want pro-life bills added to the special session either. Although he killed them in regular session, Straus cannot let the pro-life bills die in the special sessions with so many Republican supporters, but he will not, and I have never seen him, speak up and promote or advocate for the need to pass this or ANY other pro-life bill. If it happens it happens, but not with the help of the historically pro-abortion Joe Straus who has publicly stated that he believes abortion is a wedge issue and unimportant.
So What did Governor Perry Say that Got Davis and Straus Upset?
According to My Fox Austin, Perry had this to say at the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas:
"She was the daughter of a single woman. She was a teenage mother herself. She managed to graduate from Harvard Law School and served in the Texas Senate. It's just unfortunate she hasn't learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and every life matters," said Perry.
So first of all Governor Perry compliments Wendy Davis for being born into hard circumstances and then going on to be a young single mother and still managing to go to Harvard and become a Texas State Senator. Sounds like a compliment! He then went on to make a VERY valid and reasonable point that bad circumstances should not justify an abortion because, after all, Davis is a perfect example of having a baby as a young single mom and still becoming a success.
That was NOT an Attack, but the Anti-Abortion People Hate that Perry made such a good Point against Abortion
Wendy and Joe Straus could not stand the fact that Perry made a reasonable, fair point against abortion. So instead of trying to debate the point about whether or not abortions are needed to become a success, they try to do a little smoke and mirrors and distract people from the point by saying that Governor Perry personally attacked Wendy Davis.
That is outrageous! Perry did not attack Davis. He did not even dig up any personal info about Davis. All the info he said about Davis is info that Wendy Davis herself prances around bragging about. It is part of her public biography and part of her campaigning as a way to show that she is a fighter and an advocate for women. SHE brought her personal life details into the public and political arena. She can't really thing that it is wrong for Perry to make a fair, reasonable point about her becoming a success even though she had a baby at a young age and not in the best circumstances?
Straus Says Perry's Comments Cross the Line and Damage the Republican Party:
Straus, briefly interviewed by The Texas Tribune as he was leaving the Texas Capitol for his home in San Antonio, said Perry's comments were not helpful to Republicans because they centered on Davis in personal terms and veered away from the conversation about abortion policy.
“Disagreements over policy are important and they’re healthy, but when he crosses the line into the personal, then he damages himself and he damages the Republican Party,” Straus said.
Wendy Davis Says Perry Attacked her and Demeans the Office of the Governor:
Davis comments from My Fox Austin: "I am saddened to learn that Governor Perry made the shameful decision today to personally attack me and my family. The governor's comments are without dignity and tarnish the high office that he holds. Texans deserve better than a governor who thinks the government should intrude on a family's most personal decisions. And Texans deserve better than a governor who tells women - including myself - how they should live their lives."
Governor Perry defended his comments by saying this:
Appearing on the Laura Ingraham Show, Perry stressed that he had said he "was proud of what Wendy had accomplished," but asked rhetorically, "How many young men and women across this country didn't get to accomplish what Wendy Davis just accomplished because they weren't born?"
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