Sipping Martinis & Plotting Politics Shows How Out of Touch Obama, Senate Democrats Have Become

So what's the President's big idea for helping the economy getting back on track? Well, two nights ago, according to published news reports, he was drinking martinis and plotting his 2014 political strategy with his fellow Democrat party members.

So rather than talking to Republicans in bipartisan discussion about how we could come together on real solutions to the problems that face our economy and people out of work, the President instead has defaulted in favor of poll-tested ideas and political gimmicks leading into the run-up to the 2014 election. Now, sipping martinis and plotting politics while millions of Americans are out of work shows just how out of touch the President has become.

Americans deserve better than that. They deserve a comprehensive job-creation agenda that includes serious tax reform, serious regulatory reform, and serious health care reform, an agenda that makes it easier for businesses to hire workers and easier for families to pursue the American dream. We've done our best to propose such an agenda, but, unfortunately, we're still waiting for the Majority Leader and the President to take us up on that offer.


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