Sinatra Was Right, Fairy Tales Do Come True and the Extreme Environmentalists Are the Central Characters

I am tired of all of the warning labels.

The latest one comes from California (I am not surprised. Are you?) where a local group is trying to get the California government to require notices to be posted on gas pumps that filling your car can cause … wait for it … yes, global warming. The problem with too many warning labels is that as the warning labels increase, our culture becomes desensitized to real issues like not smoking near a gas pump. I see it as a Chicken Little/Little Boy Who Cried Wolf Problem. It is a Chicken Little Problem because we are bombarded and saturated with so many warnings (like the proposed warning). In fact, no credible evidence exists to support this particular warning in this location. Most of these types of warnings are issued without little or no scientific basis. It is as if this obscure group who proposes the new warning had to find some new way to bring attention to their religion called man-made global warming. Reding the article carefully, this is what the group’s attention is all about.

It is also a Little Boy Who Cried Wolf Problem. Extreme environmentalists, like Al Gore in particular, have lost lots of credibility with those that think and reason. Like other liberal extremists, the environmental extremists overstate the possible immediate consequences of their current target du jour. Unfortunately for those of us in the energy and mining business, we seem to be a frequent target. Some of their claims have been so wild that if there ever was something new about the environment that we should need to know, we could not and will not believe them because they have cried wolf way too many times. For example, in 2007, Al Gore predicted that the northern polar ice cap could be completely gone in as little as seven years, but at the most 22 years. That was seven years ago. Even by the most slanted scientific survey, the northern ice cap has not been diminished to the degree that Al Gore predicted. At present rates, every credible scientist would also agree that it would not melt in 22 years. Gore has yet to issue any explanation. Thus, the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf Problem can be defined as repeatedly exaggerating a specific problem. In this case, the people will stop listening to you.

Scare tactics like these tend to persuade the uber-wealthy liberal elite and many who fail to think for themselves. Gore has made a fortune by peddling his religion. He is also made a lot of followers. Now, I am ok with another man’s belief so long it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. Unfortunately, for the rest of us, it does pick our pocket; especially us in the energy and mining industry. But, everybody is forced to have to pay for these extremists religious beliefs by all of these regulations on a regular and on-going basis. Whether it is fighting increased regulations, defending mineral development plans, proponents of man-made global warming have cost the energy and mining industry millions, and thus consumers, millions of dollars.

Conservatives have tried to point out these failed predictions; however, the mainstream media seems to have forgotten Al Gore’s predictions. Let me encourage all conservatives continue to be vigilant to point out these failures no matter what the mainstream media says.




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