Senator Cornyn: Border Visit Would Be “Wakeup Call” for the President

I spoke on the Senate floor today on the humanitarian crisis at the border and urged President Obama to visit the border during his upcoming trip to Texas. 

I recently visited McAllen, Texas myself a week ago today, and it is heartbreaking to see these young children without their parents. It’s difficult to hear the horrific stories about the journey that these children made from their homes in Central America up through Mexico, dodging assault, kidnapping, and various other and sundry crimes and then finally making their way into the United States.

And so it's easy, in one sense, to see why the President might prefer to stay away rather than to come and learn and listen for himself, particularly in light of the sad stories that he's going to hear -- or he would hear if he decided to come.

I think the problem speaks for itself when the President, who would prefer to hang out with campaign donors and other political supporters, would decide not to have any interaction with those that are directly affected by his failed policies - in this case the failed immigration policies that led to a full-blown humanitarian crisis.

What I don't understand is how the President can send us a bill for $2 billion, which he reportedly is going to do tomorrow, asking us for apparently some changes in the existing law, and then to simply be missing in action when it comes to learning for himself the very facts that are necessary for him to be able to make the case, not only to Congress, but to the American people, for why both of those are necessary.

President Obama evidently needs a wake-up call. And visiting the border and learning firsthand about the severity and causes of this ongoing crisis will be that wake-up call.


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