Dr. Ben Carson: Ebola Patients Should NOT Be In The United States for Treatment

Dr. Ben Carson on Fox News says that he would NOT have brought the two medical missionaries in Africa back to America for treatment. His position is that viruses can undergo mutation and be transmittable in other ways..

He said the people who contracted this virus KNEW the risks when they agreed to the mission work they were involved in and also knew how to protect themselves yet they still contracted the virus.

He also said the virus can stay alive up to two days outside the body. In addition he said that the health and well being of the population of the United States must be given first priority.

Dr. Carson says we should have treated the individuals there and only returned them back to the states when they were well.

Carson criticized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pointed out we could send a hospital equipped plane or set up a properly equipped hospital on location in Africa.

The former director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, explained a simple medical mistake could cause the disease to spread within the borders of the United States because the bodily fluids of an infected patients remain infected for many days.

When questioned whether the fear in the Untied States is a valid, Carson answered, “It is very real. It is a highly contagious disease and all it requires is some infractions in procedures and all of a sudden you have got more spread and that’s what I’m afraid of.”

Dr. Carson emphasized that bringing the virus here also introduces the risk of someone selling contaminated lab work from the patients for a large sum of money and releasing it to cause an outbreak in America.

Here is an example of the effect of ebola on patients.


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