Sen. Cornyn: For Broken Medicare Program, Obama Administration Long On Criticism, Short On Strategy

In response to the 2010 Medicare funding warning, the President was legally required to present a plan to Congress—within 15 days after submitting his 2011 budget—addressing funding for the Medicare program. As of today, 101 days have lapsed since that deadline, and instead of spending that time working on serious solutions, the President and his team have instead worked to undermine the leadership efforts of others, like Paul Ryan, to truly tackle these mounting challenges.

Inaction in this case is not only irresponsible, it also violates the law.

Under the requirements of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, if the Medicare Trustees determine the program faces a significant funding shortfall, a fast-track procedure, or “Medicare Trigger” is implemented, requiring the President to submit a proposal that addresses Medicare’s imbalance within 15 days of the date upon which he submits his budget. For years, the Trustees have stated that Medicare faces a funding crisis.

Congressional Democrats turned off this “Medicare Trigger” in the 110th Congress and again in the 111th Congress. The law’s requirements have not, however, been waived in the 112th Congress.


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