Texas Senators Vote to Legalize Sex with Animals in National Defense Authorization Act
The National Defense Authorization Act will allow the President to use the military to detain Americans on American soil without a trial. I am completely in support of detaining terrorists that we have caught on the battlefield, but detaining Americans on American soil with no trial is just outrageous! Every US citizen should be given due process and a trial.
That is not the only outrageous part of the NDAA. The NDAA also now legalizes bestiality!
Members of the military are pawns of political experiments. Instead of focusing on being a well oiled fighting machine without political distractions, the military has to wade through political experiments hurled their way. Soldiers are told to be completely uniform with no distractions. When politicians want to push an agenda they make soldiers on the battlefield the test subjects. The repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is an example. It was commonly understood that the repeal was a way to open the door to pushing other social experiments on soldiers when politicians know they cannot push these things on the general population. You see, soldiers are looked down upon if they complain. Soldiers are taught to follow orders. So where regular Americans would not allow something to happen, soldiers just have to accept it.
The United States Senate (including most Republicans and both Texas Republican Senators) has just passed a bill (the National Defense Authorization Act) which strips away the military ban on Sodomy and Bestiality, according to CNS News.
Wow, sex with animals now in the Military.
It is imperative for America to stand up for the Christian, Moral foundation of America. As we get away from the principles that America was founded on, the foundation of America begins to erode and America will see more problems. I was very happy to see Presidential hopeful Rick Perry attend a prayer rally, the Response, in Houston earlier this year. Historical Documents show that the Founding Fathers of America would have approved and likely attended this Prayer Rally. I sure hope the next President can stop using the military as pawns in their political agenda.
Related Content: National Defense Authorization Act, Slight Return - Imprisonment without a trial?
I stopped reading after said
I like you.
I wonder if the previous
A Fellow TGV blogger already
A Fellow TGV blogger already wrote about the President being given the authority to detain Americans on American soil with no trial. That is a very serious flaw in this law. I put a link to that article at the very beginning of my article. There was no need to write a brand new article about that issue when a fellow TGV blogger already wrote an article about that extremely serious issue.
there is a big difference
false assumption
well the law was passed in
That's what happens when you conflate two unrelated issues...
Bestiality (however unpalatable) is utterly Irrelevant.
They're are going to make it legal to detain american citizens without due process of law, violating their 5th amendment rights.
That the author would waste our time in attempt to get us to concern ourselves with irrelevancy would indicate to me that he is okay with removal of my constitutional rights.
Which incidentally protects my choice of life partner, be it the woman I love or the man I may were I wired that way.
So I guess this means that
the opium, can now have sex we the cow? Thats doing the plowing talk
about mind games, we really need to take a look at where we are going
with this kind of krud.......If it has no real meaning ,then why put it in the bill?It shows you where the goverments mind is ,not a nice place to be.